

美音:[´eldə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´eldə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.年长者,老人,父辈 adj.年长的,资格老的,


elder为中学词汇   词频:5763



近义词, 同义词


older  senior  junior  younger    


/'eldə(r); `ɛldɚ/
1 (a) [attrib 作定语] (of people; esp two closely related members of a family) older; senior (指人, 尤指家庭中两个关系密切的成员)年长的, 年龄较大的
*my elder brother 我的哥哥
* her elder daughter, ie the first-born of her two daughters 她的大女儿.
(b) the elder (used without an immediately following n to refer to an earlier or later n 後面不紧接名词, 用以指前面或後面的名词) the older person, etc (of two) (两人中)年长者
*He is the elder of my two brothers. 他是我两兄弟中年岁较大的.
* There go my two sons. Can you guess which is the elder? 那是我的两个儿子. 你能猜出哪个大吗?
2 the elder (fml 文) (used before or after sb's name to distinguish him from another person with the same name 用于某人名字之前或之後, 以区别与之同名者)
*Pitt the elder 大皮特
* the elder Pitt 大皮特. Cf 参看 young 3.

1 my, etc elder [sing] person older than me, etc 比我等年长的人
*He is her elder by several years. 他比她大几岁.
2 elders [pl] people of greater age and authority 年迈而有权威的人
*the village elders, ie the old and respected people of the village 村中德高望重的前辈
* Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe. 部族的传统由长者承袭相传.
3 [C] official in a Presbyterian church (长老会中的)长老.
4 (idm 习语) one's (elders and) betters => better3 3.

/'eldə(r); `ɛldɚ/
n any of several types of small tree with scented white flowers and red or black berries 接骨木.
1. He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus.

2. He is the elder of my two brothers.

3. I found "the King´s soldiers" which the village elder spoke of were Colonel O´Hara´s forces, which had been sent from London to the Gambia River to guard the British fort, James Slave Fort, and the date — 1767 — was right on.
