1. Enclosed in this outfit, I waited in line for an hour with other adventurers, mostly office workers in their 20's. 我包裹在这一身装束里,与其他的历险者一起排了一小时队。他们大多是20多岁的办公室职员。
2. He gets the solid shape, as it were, inside his head----he thinks of it, whatever its size, as if he were holding it completely enclosed in the hollow of his hand. 可以说,当他想像一个物体时,不管其大小如何,他脑子里得到的是一个立体的概念,就好像完全握在自己手心里一样。
3. A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon. 一环小岛围绕着礁湖。
4. My knees are shaking, my heart is beating wildly and my head is enclosed in a crash helmet (防撞头盔) that seems much too thin. 我的双膝发抖,心狂跳不止,头戴的防撞头盔看上去似乎太单薄了。
5. Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel. 高架桥的水泥柱先前只是在内部埋设钢条,如今外面也包上了钢板。