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1. Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.

2. We encouraged the enterprise.

3. We are all encouraged by his sportsmanship.

4. Testing and challenging of ideas is encouraged.

5. His nonchalance and aplomb in times of trouble always encouraged his followers.
    他遇到事情时总是那么沉着冷静, 从而使他的下属人员也有了信心。

6. She encouraged him to talk to Mary.

7. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.

8. Marx wrote back to say that Engels´ praise had greatly encouraged him.
    马克思回信说, 恩格斯的称赞对自己的鼓励很大.

9. Rivalry with other schools is encouraged.

10. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.
