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n.敌人,仇敌,[集合名词]敌军,[喻]大敌 adj.敌人的,敌方的


enemy为六级词汇   词频:1895




-y 表示“人”的名词字尾 变化型 -yer

近义词, 同义词


foe  opponent  opposition  friend    


/'enəmɪ; `ɛnəmɪ/
1 [C] person who strongly dislikes or wants to injure or attack sb/sth 敌人; 仇人; 仇敌
*Jane and Sarah used to be friends but now they are bitter enemies, ie of each other. 简和萨拉以前是朋友而现在是死对头.
* His arrogance made him many enemies, ie made many people hate him. 他妄自尊大, 树敌很多.
2 (a) the enemy [Gp] (armed) forces of a nation, side, etc with which one's country, side, etc is at war 敌军
*an encounter with the enemy 与敌军的遭遇战
* The enemy was/were forced to retreat. 敌军被迫撤退了.
* [attrib 作定语] enemy forces, aircraft, ships, etc 敌军、敌机、敌舰等
* enemy propaganda 敌方的宣传.
(b) [C] member of such a hostile force 敌兵.
3 [C] anything that harms or weakens 危害或削弱之物
*Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. 贫穷和愚昧是进步的敌人.
4 (idm 习语) one's own worst enemy => worst. carry the war into the enemy's camp => carry.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: enemi, from Latin inimicus, from amicus 'friend']
someone who hates you and wants to harm you
 She's a dangerous enemy to have.
 Cats and dogs have always been natural enemies .
 an old enemy of her father
make an enemy (of sb)
 a ruthless businessman who made a lot of enemies
 the unforgettable sight of the president shaking hands with his sworn enemy (=an enemy you will always hate)
sb's worst enemy
(=the person they hate most)
 I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy .
someone who opposes or competes against you
 political enemies
 He was imprisoned for being 'an enemy of the revolution'.
alsothe enemy
the country against which your country is fighting in a war
 He was accused of collaboration with the enemy.
enemy forces/aircraft/territory etc
 a town behind enemy lines
something that people think is harmful or damaging
 The usual enemies, cigarettes and alcohol, are targeted for tax rises.
 The common enemy that united them was communism.
be your own worst enemy
to behave in a way that causes problems for yourself
public enemy number oneinformal
someone famous who has done something bad and who a lot of people do not like
 His views made him public enemy number one in the eyes of the media.
the enemy within
people in a society etc that other people think are trying to secretly destroy or damage it
 efforts to label environmentalists as the enemy within
if one thing is the enemy of another, the second thing cannot exist because the first thing destroys it
 Boredom is the enemy of learning.
1. We encountered four enemy aircraft.

2. Word came that many enemy soliders were near.

3. We suffered many casualties during the unexpected onslaught of the enemy.
    在敌人突然袭击中, 我军伤亡惨重。

4. Three survivors told us in detail how the regiment was annihilated by the enemy .

5. The enemy made a brutal attack upon the village.

6. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

7. They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.

8. They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.

9. The enemy´s plans came to grief.

10. The enemy was overwhelmingly defeated.
