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entire为高中词汇   词频:1909



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/ɪn'taɪə(r); ɪn`taɪr/
adj [attrib 作定语] with no part left out; whole; complete 全部的; 整个的; 完全的
*The entire village was destroyed. 整个村子被毁.
* I've wasted an entire day on this. 我为此事浪费了一整天的时间.
* We are in entire agreement with you. 我们完全同意你的意见.


adj [only before noun]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: entier, from Latin integer; INTEGER]
used when you want to emphasize that you mean all of a group, period of time, amount etc
= whole
 It was the worst day in my entire life.
 The entire staff agreed.
 Have you drunk the entire bottle?
1. When he finishes, the entire reading, writing, and math patterns he needs to know are impressed right on his brain.

2. Wireless demand and usage have also exploded across the entire width and breadth of Latin America.

3. The entire village was destroyed.

4. The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap.

5. This simple motif runs throughout the entire score.

6. The flu virus infected almost the entire class.

7. Teachers will be trained to later work throughout the entire Baltimore system.

8. Sometimes he would be obliged to wait a long time, and on occasion the officers even unloaded his entire truck!

9. Like no other plague before, the AIDS epidemic threatens to wipe out an entire generation and leave another without parents.

10. In India in the meantime, the entire education system has shifted gears to feed the appetite of the American computer industry.
