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error为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1603




err=to wander(流浪;漂泊),to err(犯错)

近义词, 同义词


/'erə(r); `ɛrɚ/
1 [C] thing done wrongly; mistake 错误; 差错
*spelling errors 拼法错误
* a computer error 计算机错误
* printer's errors, ie misprints 印刷错误.
2 [U] state of being wrong in belief or behaviour 想法或行为的错误
*The letter was sent to you in error, ie by mistake. 此信误送给你了.
* The accident was the result of human error. 这事故是人为的错误造成的.
3 [C] (in calculations, etc) amount of inaccuracy (计算等的)误差
*an error of
2 per cent 百分之二的误差. =>Usage at mistake1 用法见mistake1.
4 (idm 习语) an ,error of `judgement a mistake in one's assessment of a situation, etc (对情况等的)判断错误. the ,error of one's `ways aspects of one's way of life that are wrong and should be changed 生活中应改正的过失
*Jones used to be a thief, but now he's seen the error of his ways and is trying to rebuild his life. 琼斯过去是小偷, 但是现已知过能改重新做人. trial and error => trial.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: errour, from Latin error, from errare; ERR]
[U and C]
a mistake
error in
 There must be an error in our calculations.
make/commit an error
 The government has committed a serious error.
serious/grave/fatal error
 I realized I had made a fatal error.
computer/driver etc error
 The bill was sent to the wrong person because of a computer error.
 The accident was caused by human error (=a mistake by a person) .
a mistake when you are working on a computer, which means that the computer program cannot do what you want it to do
 An error message .
error of judgment
a mistake in the way that you examine a situation and decide what to do
 The decision to expand the company was an error of judgement.
be in error
to have made a mistake, especially when making an official decision
 The doctor has admitted that he was in error.
do sth in error
if you do something in error, you do it by mistake
 The wrong man was arrested in error.
see the error of your ways
literary to realize that you have been behaving badly and decide to stop
trial and errorattrial1 (4)
1. Every man is liable to error.

2. But by that time, an error of about 10 days had again piled up.

3. We must exterminate every error.

4. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody

5. The error was 44 minutes and 56 seconds for each leap year, or 11 minutes and 14 seconds for each single year.

6. That may not seem much, but time this by 1600, and you will see it is a serious error.

7. The error amounts to about one day in 3000 years.

8. He also asked him to work out a better rule for leap years to prevent the piling up of error in future.

9. "But I believe that all the answers lie in human error, mechanical problems, strange atmospheric events, or unusual magnetic phenomenon."

10. I committed an error in handling the business.
