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exception为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2051


ceive=to take(取) 变化型 cept,cip,cipate

近义词, 同义词


/ɪk'sepʃn; ɪk`sɛpʃən/
1 [C, U] (an instance of) leaving out or excluding; person or thing that is not included 除外; 例外; 不包括在内的人或物
*Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception. 这座城镇中大多数建筑物都不太好看, 但这座教堂是个例外.
* The children did well, the only exception being Jo, who failed. 这些孩子考得都很好, 唯独乔不及格.
* All students without exception must take the English examination. 所有的学生毫无例外, 都必须参加英语考试.
* I enjoyed all his novels with the exception of his last. 他的小说我都爱看, 只是最後一部除外.
2 [C] thing that does not follow a rule 不合规则的事物
*an exception to a rule of grammar 语法规则的一项例外.
3 (idm 习语) the exception proves the `rule (saying 谚) the excepting of some cases proves that the rule exists, or that it applies to all other cases 有例外则证明有规律
*All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule. 他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛. make an exception (of sb/sth) treat sb/sth as a special case 将某人[某事物]作为例外
*You must all be here at
8 am; I can make no exceptions, ie I cannot excuse any of you. 你们都必须早晨八点钟到这里, 任何人都不能例外. take exception to sth object to sth; be offended by sth 反对某事物; 因某事物而生气
*He took great exception to what I said. 他很反对我说的话.
* She took exception to having to wait outside in the rain. 她得在雨中等候, 对此十分气愤.


n [U and C]
something or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern
 It's been cold, but today's an exception.
with the exception of sb/sth
 We all laughed, with the exception of Maggie.
without exception
 Each plant, without exception, contains some kind of salt.
notable/important/significant exception
 With one or two notable exceptions , there are few women conductors.
minor/major exception
 With a few minor exceptions, the new edition is much like the previous one.
 The law applies to all EU countries; Britain is no exception .
 We don't usually accept checks, but for you we'll make an exception (=not include you in this rule) .
 The spelling of this word is an interesting exception to the rule .
 Successful two-career couples are still the exception, not the rule (=used to emphasize that something is unusual) .
sb/sth is the exception that proves the rule
spoken used to say that the fact that something is not true or does not exist in one situation emphasizes the fact that it is true or exists in general
 Most people here are very dedicated; I'm afraid Rhea's the exception that proves the rule.
take exception to sth
to be angry or upset because of something
 Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans.
1. Everybody took part in the excursion with the exception of Comrade Li.

2. There is no exception to this rule.

3. Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule.

4. Today people from the neighborhood, which is made up mostly of expensive one-family homes with the exception of the two apartment houses near the railroad station, find it difficult to explain why they didn't call the police.

5. The one possible exception is bearing children.

6. One apparent exception to the general trends is Japan, where single-parent households and unmarried mothers have remained relatively rare.

7. Like most city folks, I'm cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything — or anyone — unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception.
