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1. Benbow is quick to add, however, that cultural expectations probably exaggerate the difference.

2. We have great expectations of you.

3. Americans tend to become trapped in a working and spending consumption mode, driven by merchants, that leads them to rack up their expectations.

4. Many of those expectations were in accord with what I felt. Some were not.

5. Greeting cards seemed a come-down from her high expectations, but the advice stayed with her, and she decided to give it a try.

6. Reacting to the announcement, stock market experts Paribas Capital Markets Group issued a "sell" recommendation on Euro Disney stock, saying that attendance levels for the period were 15 percent below its expectations and spending on food a
    对此番话,股票市场行家,帕里巴斯资本市场集团发布了一份"出售" 欧洲迪斯尼股票的建议,指出这一阶段的游客量比预期的低15%,食品及其他商品的消费额比预期的低10%。
