





adj [only before noun]
a face-saving action or arrangement prevents you from losing other people's respect
 a face-saving compromise
1. Every time a packet left her hands, the hateful yellow face of the officer who had taken her son away flared up in her mind.

2. Bill: Wow! You´re right! That´s really funky You´re got some growth on your face, too, don´t you?

3. By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead.

4. But then Sam lets go of the swing. He flies into the air and lands face down in the dirt.

5. We have to face facts.

6. We are willing to face any hardship or peril.

7. When he got there he found the clock so high up that he could not see the figures on the face distinctly.

8. We looked at old Maggie and saw that her poor face was as white as a sheet.

9. When at last he turned, sweat streaming down his face and into his neckerchief, the creature had gone.

10. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts,
    我们发明了一系列节省劳力的装置;我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流, 而不是通过直接接触。
