1. During my last dive in the finals, I enjoyed for the last time the quietness underwater and then swam to the side of the pool. 在决赛的最后一跳时,我最后一次领略了水下的宁静,然后我游到池边。
2. At the trials, one month prior to the finals, I took first place on the ten-meter platform and on the springboard! 在决赛一个月前举行的预赛中,我获得了十米跳台和跳板的第一名!
3. Regardless, I made it into the finals. When we practiced the next morning, my coach made me start with the dive I'd hit my head on. 尽管如此,我还是进入了决赛。第二天早晨训练时,教练让我从头部碰到跳板时的跳水动作开始练。
4. In the finals, I won the silver medal for the platform. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy. Instead, I felt I failed because I hadn't won the gold. 在决赛中我获得了跳台银牌。遗憾的是,我并不感到快乐。相反,我觉得自己失败了,因为我没有能获得金牌。