

美音:[´fıŋgə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´fıŋgə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.手指(尤指大拇指以外的手指),指状物,指针,查找器(查找因特网用户的程序) v.用手指拨弄,伸出


finger为小学词汇   词频:1119


形容词:fingerless 名词:fingerer 动词过去式:fingered 过去分词:fingered 现在分词:fingering 第三人称单数:fingers

近义词, 同义词

touch  feel  handle  finger  thumb  paw  fumble  grope  pet  manipulate  wield    


digit  feel  handle  manipulate  touch  thumb  toe    


/'fɪŋgə(r); `fɪŋˇɚ/
1 any of the five parts extending from each hand (`little finger, `ring finger, `middle finger, `forefinger/`index finger, thumb); any of these except the thumb 手指(小指、无名指、中指、食指、拇指); 除拇指外的任何一个手指
*There are five fingers (or four fingers and one thumb) on each hand. 每只手有五个手指. => illus at hand 见hand插图. => Usage at body 用法见body.
2 part of a glove that fits over a finger (手套的)手指部.
3 (infml 口) measure of alcohol in a glass, roughly equal to the width of one finger 指幅(对杯中酒类的度量, 约略等于一指宽)
*He poured himself two fingers of whisky. 他给自己倒了两指幅的威士忌.
4 (idm 习语) be all ,fingers and `thumbs be clumsy or awkward with one's hands 笨手笨脚
*Can you thread this needle for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs today. 你能替我穿针吗? 今天我手脚不灵. burn one's fingers/get one's fingers burnt => burn2. cross one's fingers => cross2. get, pull, etc a/one's `finger out (infml 口) stop being lazy; work faster 别再偷懒; 干快一些
*If you don't pull your finger out, you'll never get the job finished. 你要是不快些, 就绝对干不完. have a finger in every `pie (infml 口) be involved in everything that is happening 参与或插手一切事情. have/keep one's finger on the pulse know all the latest news, developments, etc 充分了解或掌握最近的消息、情况等. have, etc one's fingers in the till (infml 口) steal money from one's place of work 从自己的工作部门偷钱
*be caught with one's fingers in the till 在自己的工作部门偷钱时被捉住.
* He's had his fingers in the till for years. 他偷工作部门的钱已多年. lay a `finger on sb/sth touch sb/sth, however slightly (即使轻轻)触碰某人[某物]
*If you lay a finger on that boy (ie harm him physically), I'll never forgive you. 你若碰这孩子一下, 我就决不饶你. lift/raise a finger/hand => lift. point the finger => point2. put one's finger on sth identify precisely or point out (an error, the cause of a problem, etc) 准确地看出或指出(错误、问题的所在)
*I can't quite put my finger on the flaw in her argument. 我看不出她的论点有何不妥. put the finger on sb (sl 俚) give imformation about (esp a criminal) to the police, etc 向警方等提供(尤指罪犯的)情况. slip through sb's fingers => slip2. snap one's fingers => snap. sticky fingers => sticky. twist sb round one's little finger => twist. work one's fingers to the bone work very hard 非常努力地工作.

/fɪŋgə(r); `fɪŋˇɚ/
v [Tn]
1 touch or feel (sth) with the fingers 触摸(某物)
*She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何.
* I don't like eating food that's been fingered by someone else. 我不愿意吃别人摸过的食物.
2 play (a musical instrument) with the fingers 用手指拨弹(乐器).
3 (sl 俚) give information about (esp a criminal) to the police, etc 向警方报信(尤指关于罪犯的消息).
1. The baby is sucking its finger.

2. Taking a glass of water from the table, I put my finger over the end of the straw and allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst.

3. He put his finger in his mouth to show that he needed food.

4. He let Nicky shake his finger, and seemed as though he would like to go on talking.

5. Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist.
    某些种类的竹子比小手指还细. 某些则比腰还要粗得多.

6. I gave my finger a prick with a needle.

7. I am sure the priest himself cannot say such beautiful things as you do, though he lives in a three-storeyed house, and wears a gold ring on his little finger."
    我相信,就连我们的牧师,尽管他住的是三层楼房,小手指上带着 金戒指,也讲不出你这样美妙的话来。”

8. It is a popular myth that great geniuses — the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world — spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God.
    有一种流行的说法,世界上的伟大天才 -- 爱因斯坦们、毕加索们、莫扎特们,不知从什么地方突然冒了出来,似乎都是造物主的神功使然。
