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fond为高中词汇   词频:4913


副词:fondly 形容词比较级:fonder 最高级:fondest

近义词, 同义词



/fɒnd; fɑnd/
adj (-er, -est)
1 [attrib 作定语]
(a) kind and loving; affectionate 慈爱的; 深情的
*a fond look, gesture, embrace, etc 充满深情的目光、手势、拥抱等
* fond eyes 慈爱的目光.
(b) foolishly loving; indulgent or doting 痴爱的; 溺爱的
*spoilt by fond parents 被父母溺爱而惯坏的.
2 [pred 作表语] ~ of sb/(doing) sth having a great liking for sb/(doing) sth 喜爱某人[(做)某事物]
*I've always been very fond of you. 我一向非常喜欢你.
* fond of music, cooking, going to parties 喜爱音乐、烹调、参加聚会
* John's extremely fond of pointing out other people's mistakes, ie He enjoys doing this constantly. 约翰特别喜欢挑剔别人的毛病.
3 [attrib 作定语] (of wishes or ambitions) hoped for, but not likely to be met or to come true; foolishly held (指愿望或抱负)不大可能实现的, 想入非非的
*fond hopes of success 对于成功的美梦.


[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: fonne 'stupid person' (13-16 centuries)]
be fond of sb
to like someone very much, especially when you have known them for a long time and almost feel love for them
 Joe's quite fond of her, isn't he?
 Over the years we've grown very fond of each other.
be fond of (doing) sth
to like something, especially something you have liked for a long time
 I'm not overly fond of cooking.
 I'd grown fond of the place and it was difficult to leave.
be fond of doing sth
to do something often, especially something that annoys other people
 My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.
[only before noun]
a fond look, smile, action etc shows you like someone very much
= affectionate
 He gave her a fond look.
 As we parted we said a fond farewell .
have fond memories of sth/sb
to remember someone or something with great pleasure
 Marie still had fond memories of their time together.
a fond hope/belief
a belief or hope that something will happen, which seems silly because it is very unlikely to happen
in the fond hope/belief that
 They sent him to another school in the fond hope that his behaviour would improve.
 a fondness for expensive clothes
1. We all knew about old Maggie´s hard life because she was so fond of talking about it.

2. King Midas was very fond of his daughter and he kissed her tenderly.

3. He is fond of collecting glassware.

4. How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.

5. He was fond of saying, "A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life."

6. And Melissa is very fond of hot chocolate, which is why she bought the powdered hot chocolate mix, though she never drinks it herself.

7. Abe is very fond of golf; he feels it is his chief raison d´ etre.

8. Ants are fond of sweet food.They often milk little bugs called antcows.
    蚂蚁喜欢吃甜食. 它们常常挤一种叫做蚜虫的小虫子的液汁吃.

9. Ants are fond of sweet food.

10. "I'll tell them what they can do with their (music, history, literature, etc.)," she was fond of saying.
    她喜欢说这样一句话: "我会对他们讲, 他们学的 (音乐、历史、文学等等) 有什么用!"
