

美音:[´fɔ:fıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´fɔ:fıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.(因犯罪.过失.违约等而)丧失的东西,没收物,罚款 vt.没收,丧失 adj.丧失了的




名词:forfeiter 动词过去式:forfeited 过去分词:forfeited 现在分词:forfeiting 第三人称单数:forfeits 形容词:forfeitable

近义词, 同义词


let-slip  lose  sacrifice    


/'fɔ:fɪt; `fɔrfɪt/
v [Tn] (have to) lose or give up (sth) as a consequence of or punishment for having done sth wrong, or in order to achieve sth (因做错事或为得到某事物)失去或放弃(另一事物)
*Passengers who cancel their reservations will forfeit their deposit. 旅客取消预订票者, 定金不予退还.
* He has forfeited the right to represent the people. 已撤销他代表人民的资格.
* The couple forfeited their independence in order to help those less fortunate. 这对夫妇把富裕出的钱都拿出来帮助那些受难的人.

1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] thing (to be) paid or given up as a penalty or punishment (因受罚)丧失的东西; 罚金.
2 (a) forfeits [sing v] game in which a player gives up various articles if he makes a mistake and can have them back by doing sth ridiculous 罚物游戏(输者交出小物品, 做滑稽表演後方可取回).
(b) [C] article given up in this game 做此种游戏中交出的东西
*Give me your watch as a forfeit. 你输了, 罚你把手表交给我.

adj [pred 作表语] ~ (to sb/sth) (fml 文) (liable to be) lost, paid or given up as a forfeit (作为罚金或抵押品)(可能)失去, 交出
*All goods may be forfeit to the State in time of war. 战时所有的货物都可能被国家徵用.