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forgive为高中词汇   词频:3524


名词:forgiver 副词:forgivably 形容词:forgivable 动词过去式:forgave 过去分词:forgiven 现在分词:forgiving 第三人称单数:forgives


for-=away from 由“分离”之意引申为“禁止、无视、除外”等否定的意思,或为“破坏”及“强迫”的意思

近义词, 同义词


absolve  excuse  pardon  quit  punish    


/fə'gɪv; fɚ`ˇɪv/
v (pt forgave / fE5geIv; fL`^ev/, pp forgiven / fE5gIvn; fL`^IvEn/)
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth; ~ sb (for sth/doing sth) stop being angry or bitter towards sb or about sth; stop blaming or wanting to punish sb 原谅; 宽恕; 饶恕
*I forgave her a long time ago. 我早已原谅她了.
* I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died. 母亲临终前我未去看她, 为这件事我永远不能原谅自己.
* She forgave him his thoughtless remark. 她原谅了他说的轻率的话.
* (religion 宗) Forgive us our trespasses, ie our sins. 请宽恕我们的罪孽吧!
2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tsg] ~ sb (for doing sth) (used in polite expressions to lessen the force of what the speaker says and in mild apologies 礼貌用语, 用以缓和语气并示歉意)
*Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly are you talking about? 请原谅我孤陋寡闻, 你说的到底是什么?
* Please forgive me for interrupting/my interrupting. 对不起, 打搅了.
3 [Dn.n] say that sb need not repay (the money owed); not demand repayment from (sb) 免除(某人的债务); 不要求(某人)偿还
*Won't you forgive me such a small debt? 这么小小的一笔债, 请你免了行吗?
4 (idm 习语) for,give and for`get dismiss from one's mind all unkind feelings and the desire to blame and punish sb 不念旧恶; 不记某人的仇.


v past tenseforgave [-'geɪv/
1. We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo´s spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth;

2. What the child cannot forgive is the parent´s refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true.

3. You should forgive her. Women are always like that; they are sentimental.

4. His early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive,

5. Forgive me for coming so late.
