

美音:[´fɔ:tʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´fɔ:tʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.财富,运气,大量财产,好运,命运 vt.<古>偶然发生 vt.给...以大宗财富


fortune为高中词汇   词频:2724


动词过去式:fortuned 过去分词:fortuned 现在分词:fortuning 第三人称单数:fortunes

近义词, 同义词


chance  destiny  fate  lot  luck  prosperity  riches  treasure  wealth  misfortune    


/'fɔ:tʃu:n; `fɔrtʃən/
1 [U] chance, esp regarded as a power affecting people's lives
*(good or bad) luck 机会(尤指对人们生活有重要影响的); (好的或坏的)运气
*By a stroke (ie instance) of (good) fortune, he won the competition. 他靠(好)运气在竞赛中获胜.
* be a victim of ill (ie bad) fortune 成为恶运的牺牲品
* I had the good fortune (ie was lucky enough) to be chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运, 被选中出国旅行.
2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] event or change in the life of a person or in the progress of a country, business, etc (在人生中或在国家业务等的发展中的)事情或转变
*The party's fortunes were at their lowest level after the election defeat. 该党在竞选失败後每况愈下.
3 [C] person's destiny or future; fate 个人的运气或前途; 命运
*At the fair a gypsy told (me) my fortune, eg by looking at playing-cards or the lines on my hand. 有个吉普赛人在游乐场上给我算过命.
4 [C] large amount of money 大笔的钱; 巨款
*That ring is worth/must have cost a fortune. 那戒指很值钱.
* She inherited a large fortune. 她继承了一大笔财产.
* He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials. 他靠卖废料发了大财.
5 (idm 习语) the fortune(s) of `war the good or bad luck one meets with in war 个人在战争中遇到的好运或恶运
*made homeless by the fortunes of war 因战乱而无家可归. a hostage to fortune => hostage. seek one's fortune => seek. a small fortune => small. a soldier of fortune => soldier.


3【what happens to you】
4 tell somebody's fortune
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: French;Origin:Latin fortuna]
a very large amount of money
 He made a fortune selling property in Spain.
 My first painting sold for £25, a small fortune then for an art student.
 Bill Traylor died in poverty in 1947, but his art is worth a fortune .
 The carpet must have cost a fortune .
 It is quite easy to decorate your house without spending a fortune .
 Her personal fortune was recently estimated at £37 million.
chance or luck, and the effect that it has on your life
 I had the good fortune to work with a brilliant head of department.
 Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.
 I felt it was useless to struggle against fortune.
【WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU】 [C usually plural]
the good or bad things that happen in life
 a downturn in the company's fortunes
 This defeat marked a change in the team's fortunes.
 The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war (=the things that can happen during a war) .
tell sb's fortune
to tell someone what will happen to them in the future by looking at their hands, using cards etc
soldier of fortune,fame and fortuneatfame,a hostage to fortuneathostage, seek your fortuneatseek
1. But Fortune´s favoured children belong to the second class.

2. But Fortune´s favoured children belong to the second class.

3. The old man can foretell a person´s fortune.

4. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press.

5. His fortune´s beginning to ebb.

6. He inherited a sizable fortune.

7. ----if you put all of your money into Periwigs International, you´re setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune.

8. At the banquet table , I had the good fortune to sit vis-a-vis an old school chum.

9. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.
    在一个乡村集市上,我决定去拜访一位名叫 Bellinsky 的算命人。

10. At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.
