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/fɔ:θ; fɔrθ/
pron, det 4th; next after third 第4, 第四(个). =>App
4 见附录4. fourthly adv in the fourth position or place 在第四位. the fourth di`mension the dimension of time 第四维(时间). the ,Fourth of Ju`ly anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (1776) of the United States from Britain 美国独立纪念日(1776年7月4日). n one of four equal parts of sth 四分之一.
1. By the time I was sixteen, my daughter's age, his breath was a wheeze, embarrassing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step.
    到我16岁, 也就是我女儿现在这般年龄时,他一呼吸就呼哧呼哧的,让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一会儿。

2. This is the fourth time you have been late to school.

3. The president made a Fourth-of-July oration.

4. The fourth reached out his arms, and grasped one of the elephant´s legs.

5. The fourth time he fell into the hands of a professional slave-catcher, who promptly had the man´s foot cut off with an axe against a tree stump.

6. No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

7. Caesar then decreed that the year should consist of 365 days, but every fourth year an extra day should be inserted at the end of February to make up for the quarter days that were lost.

8. Communications figured largely in the Disney organization's decision to site its fourth theme park near Paris.

9. One level might be for pedestrians, another for electric automobiles, a third for bicycles, a fourth for high-speed automobiles, a fifth for buses, and a sixth for trains (subways).

10. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey----still in perfect condition.
    想一想他们所感受到的惊奇和兴奋 -- 当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜一样甜 -- 发动机完好无损。
