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/'fraɪtnɪŋ; `fraɪtnɪŋ/
adj causing fear; alarming 引起恐惧的; 惊恐的; 可怕的
*a frightening possibility, situation, development, etc 引起恐惧的可能性、形势、发展等
* It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war. 核战争的恐怖状况连想都不敢想.


making you feel afraid or nervous
= scary
 That's a frightening thought.
 Going into hospital can be very frightening for a child.
 It was the most frightening experience of my life.
it is frightening (to do sth)
 It's frightening to think how easily children can be hurt.
 The ice seemed frighteningly thin.
1. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.

2. The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.

3. The disease was a frightening result of the atomic bomb.

4. This is just one of the many frightening stories told of "the Bermuda Triangle", a mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean roughly stretching southwest from Bermuda to the Florida coast and down to Puerto Rico.

5. The front deck might seem a frightening place for the rest of the town, but it was a front row seat for me.

6. I read a frightening story which took place in a haunted house.

7. It was frightening.

8. It is small wonder that the prospect of growing old is frightening to women.

9. Following him through the door were three absolutely frightening men wearing those horrible stocking masks. They were carrying guns; at least the one in front was carrying a pistol.
