

美音:[frındʒ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[frındʒ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.边缘,须边,刘海 adj.边缘的,额外的 v.在...上加以缘饰,成为...的边缘


fringe为六级词汇   词频:5152


形容词:fringy 动词过去式:fringed 过去分词:fringed 现在分词:fringing 第三人称单数:fringes

近义词, 同义词

edge  verge  brink  brow  brim  margin  border  confine  skirt  rim  flange  side  lip  threshold  coast  shore  fringe    


border  brim  edge  rim  trimming    


/frɪndʒ; frɪndʒ/
1 (esp Brit) (US bang) front hair cut so that it hangs over the forehead 垂在额前的短发; 刘海儿
*She has a fringe and glasses. 她额前有刘海儿, 戴着眼镜. =>illus at hair 见hair插图.
2 decorative edge on a garment, rug, etc consisting of loose or hanging threads or cords (外衣、小地毯等的)饰边, 毛边, 穗子, 流苏.
3 outer edge of an area, group or activity (地方、群体或活动的)外围
*the fringe of a forest 森林的边缘
* on the fringes of society 在社会的边缘
* on the radical fringe of the party (ie the part having views not held by most people) 党内意见偏激的一方 *[attrib 作定语] fringe theatre, ie that stages unconventional and experimental productions 实验剧院
* a fringe meeting, ie one which is not part of the main programme at a political conference (政治会议中的)小会议.
4 (idm 习语) the lunatic fringe => lunatic.

1 [Tn] make a fringe(2) for (sth); decorate with a fringe 给(某物)做穗; 以穗装饰
*fringe a shawl 给围巾做穗.
2 (idm 习语) be fringed by/with sth have sth as a border 以某物做边界
*The estate was fringed with stately elms. 那片地以挺拔的榆树为边界.
1. It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.
