

美音:[frʌm ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[frʌm ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


from为小学词汇   词频:24




/frəm; frəm strong form 强读式 frɒm; frɑm/
1 (indicating the place or direction from which sb/sth starts 表示某人[某物]出发的地方或方向)
*go from Manchester to Leeds 从曼彻斯特到利兹
* a wind from the north 从北方刮来的风
* Has the train from London arrived? 伦敦来的火车到了吗?
* She comes home from work at
7 pm. 她下午7点下班回家.
* A child fell from the seventh floor of a block of flats. 小孩儿从公寓的八楼上摔了下来.
* carpets stretching from to wall to wall, ie from one wall to the opposite one 铺满地板的地毯(从地板一端铺到另一端).
2 (indicating the time at which sth starts 表示某事开始的时间)
*I'm on holiday from
30 June. 我从6月30日开始休假.
* It's due to arrive an hour from now. 从现在起一个小时就该到了.
* We lived in Scotland from
1960 to 1973. 我们从1960年到1973年住在苏格兰.
* There's traffic in the streets from dawn till dusk. 从黎明到黄昏街上车辆川流不息.
* We're open from
8 am till
7 pm every day. 我们每天由早8点到晚7点营业.
* He was blind from birth. 他从出生就失明了.
3 (indicating who sent, gave or communicated sth 表示送、给予或传送某物的人)
*a letter from my brother 我兄弟来的信
* a present from a friend 朋友送的礼物
* I had a phone call from Mary. 我接到了玛丽的电话.
* the man from (ie representing) the Inland Revenue 税务局的人.
4 (indicating where sb/sth originates or is stored 表示某人[某事物]的来源)
*I'm from New Zealand. 我是新西兰人.
* They come from the north. 他们是北方人.
* the boy from the baker's 面包房的小伙子
* documents from the 16th century 16世纪的文件
* famous quotations from Shakespeare 莎士比亚的名句
* music from an opera 歌剧选曲
* draw water from a well 从井中取水
* powered by heat from the sun 以太阳的热量为动力的.
5 (indicating distance between two places 表示两地间的距离):
10 miles from the coast 距海岸10英里 *
100 yards from the scene of the accident 离事故现场100码
* (fig 比喻) Far from agreeing with him, I was shocked by his remarks. 我很不同意他的意见, 听了他的话我很吃惊.
6 (indicating the lower limit of a range of numbers, prices, etc 表示数目、价格等的最低限度)
*write from
10 to
15 letters daily 每天写10到15封信
* Tickets cost from
3 to 11. 票价为3英镑至11英镑.
* Our prices start from 2.50 a bottle. 我们的价格起码是2.50英镑一瓶.
* Salaries are from 10% to 50% higher than in Britain. 薪金比在英国高10%到15%.
7 (indicating the state or form of sth/sb before a change 表示某事物[某人]改变之前的状态或形式)
*Things have gone from bad to worse. 事情已经越来越糟了.
* You need a break from routine. 你需要从日常工作中脱身去休息一下.
* translate from English to Spanish 从英语译成西班牙语
* The bus fare has gone up from 35p to 40p. 公共汽车的票价已由35便士涨到40便士.
* From being a librarian she is now an MP. 她从一个图书馆管理员当上了如今的下议院议员.
8 (indicating the material from which sth is made, the material being changed in the process 表示制造某物的原料, 该原料在加工过程中有所改变)
*Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的.
* Steel is made from iron. 钢是用铁炼成的. Cf 参看 of 5, out of 5.
9 (a) (indicating separation, removal, etc 表示分离、除去等)
*separated from his mother for long periods 与他母亲已分离很长时间
* take the money from my purse 从我钱包里把钱拿走
* borrow a book from the library 从图书馆借书
* release sb from prison 将某人从监狱释放 *
6 from
14 leaves 8. 14减6剩8.
(b) (indicating protection or prevention 表示保护或防止)
*protect children from violence 保护儿童免遭暴力侵犯
* save a boy from drowning 救一男孩使之免遭溺毙
* Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation. 我们靠着野果才没饿死.
* prevent sb from sleeping 不让某人睡着.
10 (indicating the reason, cause or motive 表示理由、原因或动机)
*She felt sick from tiredness. 她因疲劳而感到不舒服.
* suffer from cold and hunger 受饥寒交迫之苦
* She accompanied him from a sense of loyalty. 她出于忠诚而伴随他.
11 considering (sth) 考虑到(某事物)
*From the evidence we have heard so far... 就我们所知的证据来说...
* From her looks I'd say she was Swedish. 从她的相貌上看, 我敢说她是瑞典人.
* From what I heard last night we're going to need a new chairman. 考虑到我昨晚听到的情况, 我们需要一个新主席了.
* You can tell quite a lot from the handwriting. 从笔迹上能了解很多东西.
12 (used to make a distinction between two people, places or things 用以区别两人、两地或两事物)
*Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? 葡萄牙语和西班牙语的差别很大吗?
* I can't tell one twin from the other. 我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁.
* How do you know a fake from the original? 怎样识别膺品和真品呢?
13 (indicating a standpoint 表示立场、观点)
*Seen from above the town covers a wide area. 从高处下望, 这座城镇占地很广.
* From this angle it looks crooked. 从这个角度看这是弯的.
* From a teacher's point of view this dictionary will be very useful. 以教师的观点来看, 这部词典很有用.
14 (idm 习语) from...on starting at the specified time and continuing for an indefinite period 从所述的时间开始而延续的期间未定
*From now on you can work on your own. 你从现在起可以独立工作了.
* From then on she knew she would win. 她从那时起就知道自己会得胜.
* She never spoke to him again from that day on. 她从那天以後就再也不和他说话了.


1【where somebody/something starts】
2【distance away】
3【when something starts】
4【original condition】
5 from place to place/house to house etc
6 from day to day/from minute to minute etc
7 vary/change etc from something to something
9【position when watching】
10【being removed】
13【sent/given by somebody】
14【place of birth/work】
16【forming opinions】
17【made of something】
[Language: Old English;]
starting at a particular place or position
 How do you get from here to Colchester?
 an empire stretching from Syria to Spain
 The hotel is on the main road from Newport.
 Ernest twice ran away from home.
used when talking about the distance between places or people to mention one of the places or people
 We live about five miles from Boston.
 a large Victorian house only fifty yards from my workplace
 He was standing only a few feet away from me.
starting at a particular time
 He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o'clock onwards.
 We're going to tell her on her birthday - that's two weeks from today.
 From now on, I will only be working in the mornings.
 housewives who work from morning to night (=without stopping)
used to say what condition or situation something is in before it changes
 translating from French into English
 When she arrived, things just went from bad to worse (=got even worse) !
from place to place/house to house etc
to a number of places
 She went from house to house asking if anyone had seen the child.
from day to day/from minute to minute etc
used to say that something continues or keeps changing
 My health is improving from day to day.
vary/change etc from sth to sth
to change or be different according to the person, situation, time etc involved
 The treatment will vary from patient to patient.
used to mention the two ends of a range
from sth to sth
 Prices range from £10,000 to over £100,000.
 a place where you can buy anything from a handgun to a rocket launcher
used to say where someone is when they see or watch something
 From the top of the hill, you can see for miles.
 There's a man watching us from behind that fence.
used to say where something is before it is removed
 She pulled her chair away from her desk.
 Philip snatched the book from my hand.
 He took a knife from his pocket.
 Subtract three from fifteen.
used to say where someone would normally be, when they are not there
 The boy's absence from class has been noted.
 I have a brother, but he's away from home at present.
used to say where something was or who had it before you obtained it
 I got the idea from Colin.
 Do you know where the information came from?
 Gray caught smallpox from his nephew.
 I'll show you a short extract from one of our training videos.
 We usually buy our cheese from a shop in the market.
 You have to choose the right answer from a list.
used to say who sends or gives something
 He had received a bill for nineteen dollars from St Peter's hospital.
 I had a phone call from John.
 You need to get permission from the owner.
 with lots of love from Elaine (=used at the end of a letter or on a card)
used to say where someone was born, where they live, or where they work
 We invited speakers from all the regions.
 Students from all faculties will have access to the machines.
 There's a man from the tax office on the phone.
 I'm from Yorkshire (=I was born in Yorkshire) .
used to state the cause of something
 mothers who are exhausted from all the sleepless nights
 Death rates from accidents have been on the increase.
 a patient suffering from stomach pains
 The community benefits from having an excellent health service.
a) used to say what made you form a particular opinion
 From what I've read, the company seems to be in difficulties.
 It's obvious from a quick glance that the plan has changed dramatically.
b) used to say how a subject is being considered
 These changes are ideal from my point of view.
 We have spent a lot of time looking at the problem from all angles.
used to say what substance is used to make something
 Bread is made from flour, water, and yeast.
 a cabinet constructed from chipboard
used to say what is prevented or forbidden
from doing sth
 These problems have prevented me from completing the work.
 people who have been disqualified from driving
 Tourist coaches will be banned from entering the city centre.
used to mention something bad that you do not want to affect someone or something
 ways of protecting yourself from attack
 I will keep you safe from harm.
used when you are comparing things or people to mention one of the things or people
 She's quite different from her sister.
 Our two cats are so alike, I can never tell one from the other.