

美音:[´fʌnı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´fʌnı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的,奇异的,古怪的 n.滑稽人物


funny为中学词汇   词频:1954


名词:funniness 副词:funnily 名词复数:funnies 形容词比较级:funnier 最高级:funniest

近义词, 同义词




/'fʌnɪ; `fʌnɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 causing amusement, laughter, etc 有趣的; 可笑的
*funny stories 好笑的故事
* a funny man 风趣的人
* That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. 那是我听说过的最可笑的事.
2 difficult to explain or understand; strange 难以解释的; 难以理解的; 奇怪的
*A funny thing happened to me today. 今天我遇见个莫名其妙的事.
* That's funny he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. 真是怪事--他刚才还在这里, 转眼就走了.
* The engine's making a very funny noise. 这发动机有一种很怪的声音.
3 (infml 口)
(a) slightly unwell 稍感不适的; 稍不舒服的
*I feel a bit funny today I don't think I'll go to work. 我今天有点儿不舒服--不想上班去了.
* That drink has made me feel quite funny. 我喝了那种饮料很不好受.
(b) slightly insane; eccentric 轻度疯癫的; 古怪的
*a funny old lady 古怪的女人
* She went a bit funny after her husband died. 她自丈夫死後就变得疯疯癫癫的.
4 (idm 习语) `funny business (infml 口) sth that is illegal, suspicious or not approved of 非法的、可疑的或不认可的事物
*I want none of your funny business. 我可不干那种非法的事. funny ha-`ha (infml 口) = funny 1. funny pe`culiar (infml 口) = funny 2
*`He's a funny chap.' `Do you mean funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?' `他这家伙很有意思.'`你指的是有趣还是古怪?'


adj comparativefunniersuperlativefunniest
4 a funny look
7 go funny
8 very funny!
9 I'm not being funny (but)
10 funny little something
11 funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?
[Date: 1700-1800; Origin: fun]
making you laugh
funny story/joke/film etc
 Do you remember any funny stories about work?
hilariously/hysterically/wickedly funny
 a wickedly funny scene from the film
 a search for the funniest man in Britain
 If this is your idea of a joke, I don't find it at all funny .
 Luckily, when I explained the situation, he saw the funny side (=recognized that it was partly funny) .
 His laughter stopped her mid-sentence. 'What's so funny?' she demanded.
 It's not funny (=don't laugh) , Paul; poor Teresa was nearly in tears.
unusual, strange, or difficult to explain
 I had a funny feeling something was going to happen.
 What's that funny smell?
 It's funny how you remember the words of songs, even ones you don't really like.
It's funny (that)
 It's funny that the kids are so quiet.
 That's funny . I was sure I had $5 in my purse, but it's not there now.
 People tell me I ran the greatest race of my life, but the funny thing is I can't remember much about it.
 It's a funny old world (=strange or unusual things happen in life) .
appearing to be illegal, dishonest, or wrong
 There's something funny going on here.
 Remember, Marvin, no funny business while we're out.
a funny look
if you give someone a funny look, you look at them in a way that shows you think they are behaving strangely
 I hunkered down, ignoring the funny looks from passers-by.
feeling slightly ill
 I always feel funny after a long car ride.
BrE informal slightly crazy
 After his wife died he went a bit funny .
go funnyinformal
if a machine, piece of equipment etc goes funny, it stops working properly
 I just turned it on and the screen went all funny.
very funny!
spoken used when someone is laughing at you or playing a trick and you do not think it is amusing
 Very funny! Who's hidden my car keys?
I'm not being funny (but)
BrE spoken used when you are serious or do not want to offend someone
 I'm not being funny, but we haven't got much time.
funny little sth
used to describe something you like because it is small, unusual, or interesting
 The town centre is crammed with funny little shops.
 his funny little grin
funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?
BrEfunny weird/strange or funny ha-ha?AmE
used when someone has described something as funny and you want to know whether they mean it is strange or amusing
 'Tim's a funny guy.' 'Funny weird or funny ha-ha?'
HINT sense 1
Do not use funny to mean 'enjoyable'. Use fun : The picnic was really fun.
similar words: amusing, humorous, witty, comical
very funny: hilarious, hysterical
something that someone says that is intended to make people laugh: joke, pun, play on words
See also: comedy, irony, satire, comedian

1. Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.

2. When this happens, the conflict may seem funny, although the officers always take their job seriously.

3. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

4. The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

5. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.

6. He does very funny caricatures of all his friends.
    他夸张地模仿了所有的朋友, 非常滑稽.

7. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.

8. A funny thing happened to me today.

9. A funny thing happened.

10. Autumn described Jackson as very funny, always telling jokes and making her laugh.
