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gang为六级词汇   词频:3574


动词过去式:ganged 过去分词:ganged 现在分词:ganging 第三人称单数:gangs

近义词, 同义词

crowd  throng  group  flood  rush  deluge  rabble  mob  press  horde  body  tribe  crew  gang  knot  squad  band  party  swarm  shoal  school  covey  flock  herd  drove  bunch  drive  force  array  bevy  galaxy  corps  company  troop  troupe  task force  army  regiment  combatants  host  multitude  clan  brotherhood  fraternity  sorority  association  party  volley  storm  cloud  group  cluster  clumpparty  faction  side  denomination  crew  band  horde  posse  phalanx  family  clan  team  community  fellowship  confraternity  brotherhood  sisterhood  gang  clique  ring  circle  group  crowd    


band  bunch  company  crew  crowd  group  pack  party  ring  troop    


/gæŋ; ˇæŋ/
n [CGp]
1 organized group of criminals (罪犯有组织的)一帮, 一伙
*The gang are being hunted by the police. 警方正在追捕这帮匪徒. Cf 参看 gangster.
2 group of young people, usu males in their teens and early twenties, who are typically troublesome (闹事的青少年, 通常指男性)一群, 一伙
*The phone box was vandalized by a gang of youths. 那电话亭被一群少年歹徒故意破坏了.
* [attrib 作定语] gang warfare, ie fighting between rival gangs 打群架.
3 organized group of workers (工人有组织的)一队, 一组
*a gang of builders, roadmenders, etc 一队建筑工、修路工等.
4 [sing] (infml 口) group of people who regularly associate together (经常来往的)一伙人
*The whole gang's here tonight. 今晚伙伴们都在这里.
* Don't go around with that gang or you'll come to no good! 别跟那伙人厮混在一起, 否则绝没有好下场.
* (esp US) Hi, gang! 嘿, 伙计们!

v (phr v) gang together; gang up (with sb) (against sb) (derog 贬) act together (with sb) (against sb) (和某人)合伙(对付他人). gang up on sb (derog 贬) join together to hurt or frighten sb 结伙伤害或恐吓某人
*bigger/older boys ganging up on smaller/younger ones 高大的[年纪大的]小伙子结伙欺侮身材[年纪]较小的男孩.
1. A gang of criminals raided the bank.
