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gently为小学词汇   词频:2198

近义词, 同义词


/'dʒentlɪ; `dʒɛntlɪ/
1 in a gentle(1a) manner 温和地; 慈祥地; 温柔地; 文雅地; 轻轻地
*handle sth gently 轻拿轻放某物
* speak to sb gently 对某人轻声细语地谈话
* The beach slopes gently to the sea. 沙滩缓缓伸展入海.
2 (idm 习语) easy/gently does it => easy2.


in a gentle way
 'You go back to bed now,' he said gently.
 She kissed me gently on the cheek.
 Gently cook the peppers for 10-15 minutes.
 Rain pattered gently on the roof above.
 The road curved gently upwards.
gently/gently does it!
BrE spoken used to tell someone to be careful when they are handling something, moving something etc
 Gently, Sammy, you don't want to break it.
1. Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water.

2. We gently woke him up and asked him to ferry us to the other side.

3. The dish rose to the surface and was gently drawn towards the canal bank.

4. Then Columbus took the egg and struck its small end gently upon the table so as to break the shell a little.

5. The mother went to kneel at the side of the cradle, gently rocking it with one hand and patting the child with the other.

6. He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered.

7. Snow fell gently from gray clouds.

8. Stop here, or gently pass!

9. My cousin gently nudged me out of the bedroom into the living room.

10. One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp.
