

美音:[´dʒaıənt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´dʒaıənt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.巨人,大力士,巨大的动物或植物,伟人,天才 adj.庞大的,巨大的


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/'dʒaɪənt; `dʒaɪənt/
1 (in fairy-tales and myths) person of human shape but enormous size and strength (often cruel and stupid) (童话和神话故事中的)巨人(常为残酷和愚蠢的).
2 unusually large person, animal, plant, business organization, etc 巨人, 巨物(异常大的动植物、商业组织等)
*His son is a giant of
6 feet already. 他的儿子已是6英尺高的大个子了.
* He's the giant of (ie the tallest person) the family. 他是家中个子最高的.
* What a giant of a tree! 多高大的树哇!
* the multinational oil giants 跨国大石油公司
* [attrib 作定语] a giant cabbage 大洋白菜
* a cabbage of giant size 巨大的洋白菜.
3 (fig 比喻) person of unusually great ability or genius 能力或才智超群的伟人
*Shakespeare is a giant among poets/the giant of poets. 莎士比亚是诗人中的大文豪.
1. We made a present of a giant panda to Japan.

2. The whale is the giant of the sea.

3. The theme park itself will be only part of a giant complex of housing, office, and resort developments stretching far into the next century, including movie and television production facilities.

4. And then, when they were dead, the carnivores, like the sabre-toothed cats and the giant wolves, came out to feed and suffered exactly the same fate.

5. A man with an interest in Atlantis, the legendary lost island, Berlitz expands upon the theory that a giant solar crystal, which once was the power generator for Atlantis, lies on the ocean floor.

6. giant hovercraft liners could span the Atlantic;

7. Some giant redwood trees measure 325 feet in height and up to 30 feet in diameter.

8. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs.

9. Modern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism.

10. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.
