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governor为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2382


-or 表示“人”的名词字尾 变化型 -our

近义词, 同义词


/'gʌvənə(r); `ˇʌvənɚ/
1 (a) person appointed to govern a province or state (esp a colony abroad) 省长; 州长; (尤指海外殖民地的)总督
*a provincial governor 省长.
(b) elected head of each state in the USA (美国的)州长
*the Governor of New York State 纽约州州长.
2 (a) head of an institution 机构首脑
*a prison governor 监狱长
* the governor of the Bankof England 英格兰银行总裁.
(b) member of a governing body 行政机构的成员
*the board of governors of a school, college, hospital, etc 学校、学院、医院等的董事会.
3 (Brit infml 口)
(a) (also guvnor / 5gQvnE(r); `^Qv-nL/) person having power or authority over the speaker, eg an employer or a father 顶头上司(如雇主或父亲):I shall have to ask permission from the/my governor. 我需求得顶头上司的允许.
(b) (also guv / gQv; ^Qv/, guvnor) (used by a man when addressing another man, esp one of higher social status 用作男子对男子的称谓, 尤用于社会地位比自己高的人)
*Can I see your ticket, guvnor? 先生, 我能看看您的票吗?
4 (engineering 工) mechanism that controls automatically the speed, temperature, etc of a machine 机器上自动调速、调温等装置.


a) the person in charge of governing a state in the US
b) the person in charge of governing a country that is under the political control of another country
BrE a member of a committee that controls an organization or institution
 a school governor
 the hospital's board of governors
BrE the person in charge of an institution
 the prison governor
governor of
 the governor of the central bank
BrE a guvnor
1. Would I sit on the governor's committee and try to do something about the thousands of welfare clients who, like me, could earn part or all of their own livings if they were allowed to do so, one step at a time?

2. The governor decreed a day of mourning.

3. He sent a special governor to Altorf, a man named Gessler, who would rule with a firm hand.
    他往阿尔托夫城派了一个特别总督---一个名叫盖斯靳的人, 这个人要用铁的手腕来统治.

4. He sent a special governor to Altorf, a man named Gessler, who would rule with a firm hand.
    他往阿尔托夫城派了一个特别总督---一个名叫盖斯靳的人, 这个人要用铁的手腕来统治.

5. At San Fernando, Humboldt´s party was joined by a Spaniard, Don Nicolas Sotto, brother-in-law of the provincial governor.
