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grid为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4706




/grɪd; ˇrɪd/
1 framework of crossing or parallel metal or wooden bars; grating (金属的或木的)格子; 栅栏
*a `cattle-grid, ie one covering a ditch to prevent cattle from straying onto a main road, etc 牲口栅子(置于沟渠上者, 以防牲口走上公路).
2 (a) network of lines, esp crossing at right angles 网格; (尤指)方格
*[attrib 作定语] New York is laid out on a grid pattern. 纽约展示在网格图上.
(b) network of squares on a map, numbered for reference (地图上的)坐标方格
*[attrib 作定语] the grid reference of a place on a map 地图上某地的坐标方格数字. =>illus at map 见map插图.
3 system of electric-power cables or gas-supply lines for distributing power evenly over a large area 输电网; 煤气输送网
*the National Grid, ie the network of electricity supply in Britain (英国)国家输电网.
4 pattern of lines marking the starting-places on a car-racing track 赛车跑道上标志起点的平行线.


[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: gridiron]
a metal frame with bars across it
cattle grid
a pattern of straight lines that cross each other and form squares
 Its streets were laid out in a grid pattern.
a set of numbered lines printed on a map so that the exact position of any place can be referred to
 The pilots were just given a grid reference (=number referring to a point on a map) of the target.
the network of electricity supply wires that connects power stations and provides electricity to buildings in an area
 the national grid (=the electricity supply in a country)
alsostarting grid
a set of starting positions for all the cars in a motor race
1. The modern weather models work with a grid of points of the order of sixty miles apart,

2. In Britain, Calder Hall on the coast of Cumberland first made its contribution to the National Electricity grid in 1957.
    在英国, 卡姆柏兰海岸上的考尔德豪尔电站在1957年首次为国家电网做出了贡献.
