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grim为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5183


名词:grimness 形容词比较级:grimmer 最高级:grimmest 副词:grimly



/grɪm; ˇrɪm/
adj (-mmer, -mmest)
1 very serious and unsmiling in appearance 非常严肃的; 无笑容的
*a grim face, look, etc 严肃的面孔、神情等
* He looked grim; I could tell something was wrong. 他表情严肃, 我知道可能出事了.
2 severe; unrelenting 严厉的; 严峻的; 不懈的; 无情的
*their grim day-to-day struggle for survival 他们为生存日日进行的坚苦挣扎.
3 unpleasant; depressing 令人不愉快的; 令人沮丧的
*grim news 令人不快的消息
* We face the grim prospect of still higher unemployment. 我们面对失业率进一步增高前景堪虑.
4 determined in spite of fear 坚定而无畏的
*a grim smile 大无畏的微笑.
5 containing disturbing or horrific material 含不快或恐怖内容的
*a grim little tale of torture and murder 有折磨凶杀内容的恐怖小故事.
6 (of a place) depressingly plain; gloomy (指地方)极简陋的, 令人沮丧的
*the grim walls of the prison 监狱中令人郁闷的四壁.
7 [pred 作表语] (infml 口) ill 生病; 不舒服
*I feel pretty grim. 我觉得有点儿不舒服.
8 [usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口) very bad or unpleasant 很坏; 令人厌恶
*I've seen her so-called paintings; they're fairly grim, I can tell you! 我看见过她那所谓的画; 一点儿都不好, 真的!
9 (idm 习语) like grim `death with great determination or perseverance in spite of difficulties 坚定地; 不懈地
*He held on to the branch like grim death. 他紧紧抓住树枝不松手.
* She stuck to her task like grim death. 她百折不挠地执行任务.


[Language: Old English;Origin: grimm]
making you feel worried or unhappy
= harsh
 the grim reality of rebuilding the shattered town
 When he lost his job, his future looked grim.
 Millions of Britons face the grim prospect (=something bad that will probably happen) of dearer home loans.
 We received the grim news in silence.
looking or sounding very serious
 'I'll survive,' he said with a grim smile.
 The child hung on to her arm with grim determination .
 The police officers were silent and grim-faced.
BrE informal very bad, ugly, or unpleasant
 The weather forecast is pretty grim.
 They painted a grim picture of what life used to be like there.
 a grim industrial town
[not before noun]informal
 Juliet felt grim through the early months of her pregnancy.
hold/hang on for/like grim death
BrE informal to hold something very tightly because you are afraid
 Arnold smiled grimly.
1. We had a grim struggle before we won.
