

美音:[grıp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[grıp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.紧握,紧夹 n.掌握,控制,把手 v.抓住


grip为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4592


副词:grippingly 名词:gripper 动词过去式:gripped 过去分词:gripped 现在分词:gripping 第三人称单数:grips

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/grɪp; ˇrɪp/
v (-pp-)
1 [I, Tn] take and keep a firm hold of (sth/sb) 紧抓(某物[某人]); 紧握
*The frightened child gripped its mother's hand. 受惊的孩子紧抓住他母亲的手.
* The brakes failed to grip (ie engage with and stop the wheels) and the car ran into a wall. 汽车刹车失灵撞在墙上了.
2 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] (fig 比喻) seize the attention, imagination, etc of (sb) 吸引(某人)的注意力、想像力等
*an audience gripped by a play 受戏剧吸引的观众
* gripped by/with fear 吓住.

1 [sing] ~ (on sb/sth)
(a) action of gripping; firm hold 紧抓; 紧握
*take a grip on a rope 抓紧绳索
* I let go/released my grip and he ran away. 我一松手他就跑了.
* The climber relaxed her grip and fell. 攀登者手一松跌了下去.
* (fig 比喻) The play's exciting at first, but in the third act it loses its grip on one's attention. 那剧一开始很精采, 但到第三幕就没看头儿了.
(b) way or power of gripping 紧握的方式; 紧握力
*a grip like iron, like a vice, like a bulldog, etc 像钢铁般、像老虎钳般、像斗牛犬般夹住或咬住不放
* tyres which give
(a) good grip on the road 能紧贴着路面的车胎.
(c) (fig 比喻) force that paralyses or disables 造成瘫痪或伤残的因素
*the icy grip of winter 冬季严寒的破坏力
* people in the grip of disease, despair, etc 疾病缠身、陷于绝望等的人们.
2 [C] part that is to be gripped; handle 把手; 柄
*a wooden, metal, etc (hand-)grip 木、金属等(手)柄.
3 [C] wire pin with two prongs for keeping hair tidy; hair-grip 发卡; 发夹.
4 [C] (US) large strong bag with handles 手提包
*a leather grip 皮制手提包.
5 (idm 习语) come/get to grips with sb/sth
(a) seize (an opponent) and begin to fight 抓住(对手)博斗起来; 扭打
*She was unable to get to grips with her assailant. 她无力与袭击她的人扭打.
(b) (fig 比喻) begin to deal with (a problem, challenge, etc) 开始应付(难题、挑战等). get/keep/take a `grip/`hold on oneself (infml 口) gain control of oneself and improve one's behaviour (eg after being afraid, lazy, out of control, etc) 恢复自制力并改进行为(如不再胆怯、懒惰、失态等). lose one's grip => lose.
1. The policeman would not let go his grip on the thief.

2. The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip.

3. The old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.
