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英音:[´gerən´ti: ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.保证,保证书,担保,抵押品 vt.保证,担保


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/,gærən'ti:; ,ˇærən`ti/
1 (a) ~ (against sth) promise (usu in writing) that certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled (交易的)保证, 保证书
*The watch comes with a year's guarantee, ie a promise to repair it free for a year after purchase. 这手表保修一年.
* It's still under guarantee (ie The guarantee is still valid), so the manufacturer will repair it. 保证书还有效, 所以厂家会给修理的.
* provide a guarantee against rust 保不生锈
* You have our guarantee! 我们给你产品保证!
* The Soviets are demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the treaty. 苏联人要求得到有关核实的某些保证後才签约.
(b) ~ (of sth/that...) promise given by one person to another that he will be responsible for seeing that sth is done (eg payment of a debt by another person) 担保, 保证(如另一人偿还债务)
*give a guarantee of (one's/sb's) good behaviour 对(自己的[某人的])良好品行给予保证.
(c) document, property, etc offered as security for carrying out the conditions in a guarantee (作为保证物的)契据、财产等; 抵押品
*`What guarantee can you offer?' `I can offer my house as a guarantee.' `你用什么做抵押?'`我可以拿房子抵押.' Cf 参看 security 3.
2 person who promises to be responsible for seeing that sth is done 保证人; 担保人
*Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friend's good behaviour, ie undertake to make sure that he behaves himself properly? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗?
* be sb's guarantee for a loan from the bank 做某人从银行贷款的保证人.
3 ~ (of sth/that...) (infml 口) thing that makes an event likely to happen 担保(某事可能发生)的事物
*Blue skies are not a guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗.
* There's no guarantee she won't reject them all, ie She may well do so. 不能保证她不会全盘否定.

/,gærən'ti:; ,ˇærən`ti/
1 [Tn, Tf, Tt, Cn.a usu passive 通常用于被动语态, Cn.t usu passive 通常用于被动语态, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) promise sth with certainty (to sb) (向某人)担保某事物; 保证
*We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天正点到达.
* I can guarantee it's true I saw it myself. 我能保证那是真的--我亲眼看见的.
* We guarantee to deliver within a week. 我们保证一周内送到.
* This food is guaranteed additive-free, ie The manufacturer officially promises that it contains no additives. 该食品保证不含添加剂.
* We guarantee you delivery within one day. 我们担保你在一日内收到.
2 [Tn, Tf, Tt] undertake to be legally responsible for (sth/doing sth) 承诺对(某事[做某事])负法律责任; 保证; 担保
*guarantee sb's debts/the payment of sb's debts 为某人的债务作保[担保某人偿还债务]
* guarantee that the debts will be paid 保证付清债务
* guarantee to pay debts 保证还债.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against sth) undertake to pay the cost of repairs resulting from a fault in (an article which has been bought) 承担(所购物品)的修理费
*a clock guaranteed for one year against mechanical failure or faulty workmanship 对机械故障或制造缺陷有一年保修的钟.
4 [Tn] make (an event) likely to happen 使(事情)很可能发生
*His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting. 他一出席, 会议便成功在望.
5 (idm 习语) be guaranteed to do sth (infml ironic 口, 反语) be certain to do sth 必定做某事; 准做某事
*It's guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. 你想出门, 天准下雨.
1. We should at least guarantee the marginal living conditions of the people.

2. The watch comes with a year´s guarantee.

3. A diploma is no guarantee of efficiency.
