





n statement that gives only a part of the truth, and is intended to mislead 半真半假的陈述(内容真真假假, 意在误导对方).


a statement that is only partly true, especially one that is intended to keep something secret
 His replies were full of evasions and half-truths.
1. But to tell you the truth,

2. By comparison, nearly half of male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider, nuclear family, where the wife stays home as mother and housewife.
    与此相比, 几乎有一半男中学生表达了他们对传统的、以男人为家长的、只有一个人养家糊口的核心家庭的偏爱,在这种家庭里妻子作为母亲和家庭主妇呆在家里。

3. But no one could have possibly guessed the truth — that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scotla

4. But for over half of his screen career, Chaplin had no screen voice to confirm his British nationality.

5. But a single optical fiber with a diameter of less than half a millimeter can carry more information than a large cable made of copper wires.

6. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the table- cloth off the table, smashing half your best crockery .

7. We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.

8. We have been in the institute for five months and a half.

9. What would he think if he learned the truth?

10. We should follow the principle of seeking truth.
