

美音:[heıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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vt.憎恨,恨,不愿,不喜欢 n.憎恶,憎恨 v.憎恨,讨厌,不愿


hate为中学词汇   词频:1934


名词:hater 动词过去式:hated 过去分词:hated 现在分词:hating 第三人称单数:hates

近义词, 同义词


abhor  abominate  detest  dislike  loathe  cherish  like  love    


/heɪt; het/
1 (a) [Tn] feel hatred towards (sb/sth) 憎恨, 憎恶(某人[某事物])
*My cat hates dogs. 我的猫与狗极不睦.
* her hated rival 她所憎恨的对手.
(b) [Tn, Tt, Tnt, Tg, Tsg] strongly dislike (sb/sth) 讨厌, 厌恶(某人[某事物])
*I hate fried food. 我厌恶煎炸食品.
* I hate delays/to be delayed/being delayed. 我对耽搁时间很反感.
* She hates anyone listening when she's telephoning. 她讨厌别人听着她打电话.
(c) [Tt, Tnt, Tg] (infml 口) be reluctant; regret 不愿; 遗憾
*I hate to trouble you. 我不愿麻烦你.
* I would hate you to think I didn't care. 很遗憾你认为我漠不关心.
2 (idm 习语) ,hate sb's `guts (infml 口) dislike sb intensely 对某人恨之入骨.

(a) [U] strong dislike; hatred 憎恨; 厌恶
*feel hate for sb 对某人感到厌恶
* a look (full) of hate (充满)敌意的目光.
(b) [C] (infml 口) hated person or thing 所恨的人或事物
*one of my pet hates 我所恨之入骨者之一
* Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西.
1. We like to go to the movies,but we hate to wait in line for tickets.

2. They hate the callous dean.

3. They hate the callous dean.

4. ´Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he´s busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?´

5. "Maybe we shouldn't talk like this, but I'm worried about him. It's so awful when you have to keep secrets. I hate secrets," said Sandy.
    "也许我们不该这样谈论,但我替他担心。保守秘密真是件糟糕的事。我讨厌保密。" 桑迪说。

6. Yes,I hate to go into her room because there´re always some incense sticks burning.
    是的, 我讨厌进入她的房间,因为永远都有香燃烧.

7. Snap judgments like "love at first sight" or "instant hate", if taken seriously, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense.

8. On the other hand, you hate to be the one to decide to let nature take its course.

9. I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line.

10. I hate to go into her room because there´re always some incense sticks burning.
