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healthy为小学词汇   词频:2223


名词:healthiness 副词:healthily 形容词比较级:healthier 最高级:healthiest

近义词, 同义词


ill  unhealthy    


/'helθɪ; `hɛlθɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest)
1 having good health; well and able to resist disease 健康的; 强健的
*a healthy child, animal, tree 健康的孩子、健壮的动物、茁壮的树木
* (fig 比喻) a healthy bank balance 相当多的银行存款余额.
2 likely to produce good health 可能对健康有益的
*a healthy climate, lifestyle, environment 宜于健康的气候、生活方式、环境.
3 indicating good health 显示健康的
*have a healthy appetite 胃口好.
4 natural and beneficial 自然产生并有益处的
*The child showed a healthy curiosity. 那孩子有好奇心, 这是好现象.
* She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents. 她有雅量, 能钦佩对手的才能.

1 Healthy and fit both indicate that a person is physically strong and rarely suffers from any physical illness. *healthy和fit这两个词均表示人身体强健, 很少生病. Healthy also refers to the conditions which are good for somebody's health, or the outward signs of somebody having good health *healthy亦指有益于健康的条件, 或健康人的外部徵象
*They have very healthy children. 他们的孩子都很健康.
* This damp climate isn't very healthy. 这种潮湿的气候对健康不太有利.
* She has a healthy appetite. 她胃口很好.
2 Fit suggests that someone is in good physicalcondition particularly as a result of taking regular exercise*fit指人的身体状况良好, 尤因经常锻炼所致
*`How do you stay so fit?' `I go to keep-fit classes.' `你是怎样保持健康的?'`我经常上健身课.'
3 Well generally refers to somebody's health on a particular occasion. *well一般指人在特定场合下身体良好. It is used in answer to inquiries about health 这个词常用以回答有关健康的询问
*He's been quite ill. I hope he gets well soon. 他病得很厉害, 但愿他不久能好.
* I think I'll go to bed. I don't feel at all well. 我要睡觉去了. 我感到很不舒服.
* `How are you?' `Very well, thank you.' `你好吗?'`很好, 谢谢你的问候.'


adj comparativehealthiersuperlativehealthiest
2【good for your body】
3【showing good health】
5【company/relationship etc】
physically strong and not likely to become ill or weak
 a healthy baby boy
 I've always been perfectly healthy until now.
good for your body
 a healthy lifestyle
 a healthy diet
 the importance of healthy eating
showing that you are healthy
 Her face had a healthy glow .
 All of our kids have healthy appetites (=they like to eat a lot) .
used to describe an attitude, feeling, or behaviour that is natural, normal, and sensible
 I don't think it's healthy for her to spend so much time alone.
healthy respect/disrespect/scepticism etc
 a healthy disrespect for silly regulations
a healthy company, society, relationship, economy etc is working effectively and successfully
 a healthy economy with a well-trained workforce
large and showing that someone is successful - used about amounts of money
 a healthy profit
 a healthy bank balance
1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

2. The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness.

3. The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness.

4. The next logical experiment would have been to allow an infected mosquito to bite a healthy person.

5. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents' ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy famili
    这样的反复无定不但削弱了父母管教孩子的能力,同时也在某种程度上使父母与子女之间的关系变味 -- 使家长和子女失去存在于健康家庭里的某些幸福和相互尊重。

6. To be a healthy person physically and psychologically, one should lead a balanced life, summarize some psychology experts.
    一些心理学专家概括说, 为了做生理和心理上都健康的人,我们必须过一种平衡的生活。

7. Those little things — reading mystery novels, playing volleyball, spending time with family and friends, playing with the dog, going fishing — may seem relatively insignificant means to a healthy end.
    那些小事情——如阅读神秘小说、打排球、花时间和家人及朋友一起、跟狗一起玩耍、去钓鱼——对实现健康的目的而言, 似乎是一些不太起眼的方法,

8. The rise of jukus is praised by some as one of the secrets of Japanese success, a healthy sign of a system where people advance on the basis of merit.

9. He looks healthy.

10. And it often interrupts the child's schooling, friendships and neighborhood contacts, those beginnings of trust and social relationships needed to mold a child into a healthy member of society.
