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horror为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3018

近义词, 同义词


/'hɒrə(r); [US] 'hɔ:r-; `hɔrɚ/
1 [U] feeling of intense fear or dismay; terror 恐怖; 恐惧; 惊恐
*I recoiled in horror from the snake. 那条蛇把我吓得直往後缩.
* To her horror she saw him fall. 她看见他跌下而惊恐万状.
* I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift. 我常害怕电梯有故障会把我困于其中.
2 [U]
(a) feeling of intense dislike; hatred 强烈的厌恶; 憎恶; 痛恨
*I have a deep horror of cruelty. 我对残暴的行为深恶痛绝.
(b) horrifying nature 恐怖的性质或实况
*It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的.
3 [C] thing or person that causes hatred or fear 讨厌的事物或人; 令人感到恐怖的事物或人
*the horrors of war 战争的惨状.
4 [C] (infml 口) bad or mischievous person, esp a naughty child 坏蛋; 恶作剧的家伙; (尤指)顽皮的孩子
*Her son is a right little horror. 她的儿子是个不折不扣的小淘气.
5 the horrors [pl] (infml 口) fit of depression or nervousness, etc 抑郁症或神经过敏等之发作
*Having to address an audience always gives me the horrors. 在大庭广众面前讲话, 我总是感到非常紧张.

adj [attrib 作定语] designed to entertain by arousing pleasurable feelings of horror, shock, etc 以恐怖、惊吓等为刺激以资娱乐的
*horror films/stories/comics 恐怖影片[故事/连环图画].


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: horrour, from Latin horror, from horrere 'to raise one's hair stiffly, shake with fear']
a strong feeling of shock and fear
in horror
 Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.
with horror
 Many people recoil with horror when they see a big spider like this.
to sb's horror
(=making someone shocked or afraid)
 To my horror, I realised my shirt was wet with blood.
 You should have seen the look of horror on his face.
[C usually plural]
something that is very terrible, shocking, or frightening
horror of
 the horrors of war
the horror of sth
when a situation or event is very unpleasant or shocking
 Dense smoke surrounded them, adding to the horror of the situation.
 Only when the vehicle was lifted did the full horror of the accident become clear.
have a horror of sth
to be afraid of something or dislike it very much
 He has a horror of snakes.
little horror
BrE a young child who behaves badly
give sb the horrors
to make someone feel unreasonably frightened or nervous
horror of horrors
BrE used to say how bad something is - often used humorously when you think something is not really very bad
1. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly,

2. The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.
    有条不紊的委员们怀着恐惧看着他们, 因为他们知道无法使这些人归巢就范.

3. To her horror he said that she was two hours too soon.

4. He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films.

5. She ran away in horror from the snake.

6. We have a horror of being stung.
