

美音:[hə:t ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[hə:t ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.刺痛,伤害,(使)痛心,(使)伤感情,危害,损害,受伤 n.伤痛,伤害


hurt为小学词汇   词频:1884


名词:hurter 动词过去式:hurt 过去分词:hurt 现在分词:hurting 第三人称单数:hurts

近义词, 同义词


bruise  damage  distress  grieve  harm  impair  injure  offend  pain  wound  wrong  cure  heal    


/hɜ:t; hɝt/
v (pt, pp hurt)
1 (a) [I, Tn] cause physical injury or pain to (sb/oneself, a part of the body, an animal, etc) 使(某人[自己]、身体的某个部位、动物等)受伤或受肉体痛苦
*Did you hurt yourself? 你把自己弄伤了吗?
* Are you badly hurt? 你伤得厉害吗?
* She was more frightened than hurt. 她受惊较之受伤更为严重.
* He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌倒时背部受了伤.
(b) [I] feel or cause pain 感到或引起疼痛
*My leg hurts. 我腿疼.
* My shoes hurt; they're too tight. 我的鞋太紧, 穿着脚疼.
* It hurts when I move my leg. 我的腿一动就疼. =>Usage at wound1 用法见wound1.
2 [Tn] cause mental pain to (a person, his feelings); distress; upset 使(某人)精神痛苦; 伤(某人)心; 伤(感情); 使烦恼
*These criticisms have hurt him/his pride deeply. 这些批评使他很伤心[使他的自尊心受到了伤害].
* It hurts/I am hurt not to have been invited. 没有邀请我, 我很不痛快.
* I hope we haven't offended him; he sounded rather hurt on the phone. 但愿我们没有得罪他, 他在电话里的声音像是受了委屈.
3 [Tn] have a bad effect on (sth); harm 对(某事物)有不良影响; 损害
*Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity. 该产品受到了反面宣传, 销量大受影响.
4 (idm 习语) it, etc won't/wouldn't hurt (sb/sth) (to do sth) (esp ironic 尤作反语) it, etc will/would not cause harm or inconvenience 不会有什么害处或不便
*It won't hurt to postpone the meeting. 不妨把开会时间往後延.
* A bit of weeding wouldn't hurt (this garden). 有一点杂草(对这个花园来说)也无所谓.
* It wouldn't hurt (you) to say sorry for once. 说一声对不起(于你)没有什么不好. not harm/hurt a fly => fly1.

1 [U, sing] ~ (to sth) mental pain or suffering 精神上的痛苦或创伤
*The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt. 这段经历给我心灵上留下了严重的创伤.
* It was a severe hurt to her pride. 这严重地伤害了她的自尊心.
2 [C] physical injury or pain 肉体 上的伤害或痛苦.
1. But I don't want to. These peaks and valleys, these mountain streams and enormous rocks hurt my eyes; they hurt my soul.

2. The boys hurt themselves sliding downhill.

3. There is a deep hurt that I feel as a mother.

4. The loss of a job is rejection, resulting in the same hurt feelings as if a friend had told you to "bug off".

5. The trend has hurt domestic rose growers such as Johnson Flowers of California, considered to be this country's leading producer.

6. He was hurt by any allusion to his previous misconduct.

7. His gibes hurt his wife´s feelings.

8. He hurt himself when he fell.

9. He had hurt his foot and had to hop along.

10. Her sarcastic remarks hurt the boy badly.
