

美音:[´ınəsənt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ınəsənt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.(~ of) 清白的,无罪的,天真的,无知的


innocent为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3401




noc,nox=to harm(伤害)

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/'ɪnəsnt; `ɪnəsnt/
1 ~ (of sth) not guilty (of wrongdoing) 无辜的; 无罪的; 清白的
*They have imprisoned an innocent man. 他们监禁了一个无辜的男子.
* innocent of a crime, a charge, an accusation 未犯某罪、被指控的罪、被指责的事.
2 [attrib 作定语] suffering harm although not involved 无辜受害的; 被殃及的
*an innocent bystander 无端受害的旁观者
* innocent victims of the bomb blast 炸弹下的无辜牺牲者.
3 harmless; innocuous 无害的; 无恶意的
*innocent amusement, enjoyment, etc 无害的娱乐、享受等
* It was a perfectly innocent question. Why get so worked up about it? 那纯粹是无所谓的问题. 何必那么激动?
4 knowing nothing of evil or wrong 天真无邪的; 纯真的; 单纯的
*as innocent as a new-born babe 像初生婴儿般纯洁.
5 foolishly simple 头脑简单的; 愚钝的
*Don't be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you. 别那么幼稚, 以为政客说的一切都是可信的.
6 [pred 作表语] ~ of sth (fml 文) lacking sth 没有或缺少某事物
*a bare room, innocent of any decoration 空荡荡的房间, 了无装饰.

n innocent person, esp a young child 天真无邪的人(尤指小孩).
1. They have imprisoned an innocent man.

2. The lawyer based his argument on the premise that people are innocent until they are proved to be guilty.
    律师的论点所依据的前提是, 人们在没有被证明有罪之前都是无罪的.

3. Or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you´re eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water!

4. He debauched (ie seduced) many innocent girls.

5. A white dot appeared in the sky, as small and innocent-looking as a slip of paper.

6. She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.
    她是个虔诚的女子, 贞节无瑕。

7. Stop slandering the innocent!

8. It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke.
    那是无伤大雅的鬼把戏, 开个玩笑而已.

9. I am afraid we killed many an innocent person carrying nothing more lethal than a stick.
