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insight为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3481


in-=in,into,on 变化型 il-,im-,ir-

近义词, 同义词


intuition  perception  wisdom    


/'ɪnsaɪt; `ɪn,saɪt/
n ~ (into sth)
1 (a) [U] (approv 褒) ability to see into the true nature (of sth); deep understanding 洞察力; 深刻的了解
*a person of insight 有洞察力的人
* show insight into human character 表现出对人性的深刻了解.
(b) [C] instance of this 洞察力; 深刻的了解
*a book full of remarkable insights 很有真知灼见的书.
2 [C] (sudden) perception or understanding of the true nature (of sth) (突然的)领悟, 猛省
*She was given an unpleasant insight into what life would be like as his wife. 她恍然大悟嫁给他就要过那种日子, 心里十分难过.
* have/gain an insight into a problem 对某问题豁然开朗.


a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea
insight into
 The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.
 The research provides new insights into the way we process language.
the ability to understand and realize what people or situations are really like
 a woman of great insight
1. People are amazed at your "insight" because most are so vain (爱虚荣的) they can't imagine how much they have in common with the rest of the population.

2. Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet.
    我们大多数人最终会大彻大悟, 生活质量并不完全是由资产负债表来决定的。

3. Good teachers have insight into children´s emotions.

4. In this way, students gain great insight from their peers, learning from each other as well as the instructor.
