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insurance为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1359




/ɪn'ʃɔ:rəns; [US] -'ʃʊər-; ɪn`ʃurəns/
1 [U, sing] ~ (against sth) (contract made by a company or society, or by the state, to provide a) guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death, etc in return for regular payment 保险(契约)
*People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs. 未投保者需自付修理费.
* an insurance against theft, fire, etc 盗窃保险、火险
* household, personal, etc insurance 家庭、人身保险等
* [attrib 作定语] an insurance company, ie one that provides this 保险公司
* an insurance salesman 保险公司推销员.
2 [U] business of providing such contracts 保险业
*Her husband works in insurance. 她丈夫在保险业工作.
3 [U] payment made by or to such a company, etc 保险费
*When her husband died, she received
50000 in insurance. 她丈夫去世後, 她得到50000英镑的保险金.
4 [C, U] ~ (against sth) (fig 比喻) any measure taken as a safeguard against loss, failure, etc 保险措施; (预防损失、失败等的)安全保障
*He's applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one. 他还申请了另外两份工作, 以防这份工作面试不合格.


an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged
assurance, third party insurance third party insurance
 Your father took out insurance to cover the mortgage.
health/car/travel etc insurance
insurance against
 insurance against loss of income due to unemployment
insurance on/for
 Do you have insurance on your house and its contents?
claim (for) sth on your insurance
(=get an insurance company to pay for something)
 We can probably claim the damage on our insurance.
life insurance
the business of providing insurance
 My brother works in insurance.
insurance company/group etc
 the insurance industry
the money that you pay regularly to an insurance company
= insurance premiuminsurance on
 How much is the insurance on your car?
[singular, U]
protection against something bad happening
insurance against
 An extra lock on the door is an added insurance against burglars.
National Insurance
1. C.You think about canceling your insurance and writing a letter of complaint to the Better Business Bureau (局).

2. Besides criminal history, workers' insurance claims, and civil court records, one of their core products is credit information, which isn't always accurate.

3. That would ease the pain and help the hospital transfer patients from the intensive (精细的) care area — an area that charges patients or their insurance company $1,600 a day — sooner.

4. This type of technology evolves out of convenience, says Evan Hendricks (伊万·亨德里克斯), editor of the Privacy Times (《私密时代》) newspaper, but "the dark side is that landlords, employers, and insurance companies could say we won't do business with you
    《私密时代》报纸编辑伊万·亨德里克斯说,为方便起见产生了这门技术,但是,"其不便之处就是房东、雇主或保险公司等会说,我们不会与你谈正事的, 除非你出示该卡。"

5. Needless to say, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay.

6. Her husband works in insurance.

7. Health insurance does not cover AIDS, abortion and suicide, nor dental and eyesight bills.

8. A.You become depressed and complain bitterly about the insurance company.

9. A privacy expert says insurance companies generate "lists of individuals with certain kinds of medical problems and then turn around and sell those lists to medicine companies and other businesses."

10. You discover your insurance doesn't cover the loss.
