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interference为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4528



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/,ɪntə'fɪərəns; ,ɪntɚ`fɪrəns/
n [U]
1 ~ (in/with sth) interfering 干涉; 干预; 摆弄; 妨碍; (性的)侵犯
*I don't want any interference from you! 我用不着你来干涉!
2 (a) (radio 无) prevention of clear reception because a second signal is being transmitted on a wavelength close to the first 干扰
*interference from foreign broadcasting stations 外来广播电台的干扰.
(b) (computing 计) presence of unwanted signals in a communications circuit 干扰.
(c) (sport 体 esp US) (in ice hockey, American football, etc) unlawful obstruction of an opposing player (冰球, 美国橄榄球等)阻挡犯规.


an act of interfering
interference in
 I resent his interference in my work.
 Industrial relations should be free from state interference.
unwanted noise on the radio, television, or on the telephone, or faults in the television picture
especially AmE the act of blocking or touching another player in a sports game, for example by standing in front of them or holding on to them, when you are not supposed to
British Equivalent: obstruction
run interferenceAmE
a) to protect a player who has the ball in American football by blocking players from the opposing team
b) to help someone to achieve something by dealing with people or problems that might cause them trouble
1. Her interference was not warranted.

2. Go away ! I don´t want any interference while I´m working !

3. Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.

4. Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.

5. Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.

6. If there's one place from which the interference of lawyers and government officials should be barred, it's from the rooms of critically ill patients.
