

美音:[dʒæk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dʒæk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.(J-)杰克(男子名,也特指各种男性工人),插孔,插座,起重器,千斤顶,男人,(船舰上悬挂的)国旗 vt.(用起重器)抬起,提醒,增加,放弃,提高 adj.雄的 插座,插孔 Jack 杰克(男子名)




名词:jacker 动词过去式:jacked 过去分词:jacked 现在分词:jacking 第三人称单数:jacks




/dʒæk; dʒæk/
1 (usu portable) device for raising heavy weights off the ground, esp one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle so that a wheel may be changed (通常指便携式)起重器, 千斤顶(尤指更换机动车车轮时用的).
2 ship's flag flown to show nationality 船上表示国籍的旗子
*the Union Jack, ie the flag of the United Kingdom 英国国旗.
3 Jack familiar form of the name John 杰克(约翰的昵称).
4 (also knave) (in a pack of playing-cards) card between the ten and the queen (纸牌中的)杰克, J(介于王后与十点之间)
*the jack of clubs 梅花J.
5 (in the game of bowls) small white ball towards which bowls are rolled (滚球戏中)作靶子的小白球.
6 (idm 习语) before you can/could say Jack Robinson => say. every man jack => man. a jack of `all trades person who can do many different kinds of work but not necessarily well 博而不精的人.

/dʒæk; dʒæk/
v (phr v) jack sth in (sl 俚) leavesth readily; abandon (work, etc) 打算离开; 放弃(工作等)
*I can't concentrate any more. I'm going to jack it in. 我再也无法集中精神了. 我不打算干了. jack sth up
(a) raise sth using a jack1(1) 用千斤顶顶起某物
*to jack up a car 用千斤顶把汽车顶起.
(b) (fig infml 比喻, 口) increase (salary, payment, etc); raise 增加(薪金, 报酬等); 提高
*It's time you jacked up my allowance. 您该给我增加点儿零用钱了.
(c) (infml 口) arrange or organize sth that is in disorder 把凌乱的事物安排好或料理好
*Everything's falling apart; the whole system needs jacking up. 一切都乱了, 整个系统有待整顿.
1. Where´s Sally, Jack?

2. His name is John , but he is commonly known as Jack.

3. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

4. Jack´s scheme for raising money is practicable.

5. Jack Baxter, a common American of 2084, glanced at his stop-watch.

6. Jack had received his first cancer shot in 1981; he had received his man-made heart in 2014, before they really got those human ones perfected, so he wasn't a very good example of a complete human.

7. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.

8. I am better than Jack in English but not in math; that is his forte.
