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名词:jolliness 副词:jollily 名词复数:jollies 形容词比较级:jollier 最高级:jolliest 动词过去式:jollied 过去分词:jollied 现在分词:jollying 第三人称单数:jollies



/'dʒɒlɪ; `dʒɑlɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 happy and cheerful 愉快的; 快乐的
*a jolly person, manner, laugh 愉快的人、态度、笑声.
2 (dated infml 旧, 口) lively and very pleasant; delightful or enjoyable; merry 活泼愉快的; 令人高兴的; 欢乐的
*a jolly party, song, time 欢乐的聚会、歌曲、时候.
3 cheerful because slightly drunk 因微醉而酣畅的
*feel/look jolly 感到[看来]微醉的畅快.
4 (idm 习语) ,jolly `hockey sticks (Brit catchphrase警语) (used to suggest the cheerful athletic style of life associated with (esp private) girls' schools 用以指(尤为私立)女子学校中愉快健康的生活方式.

adv (Brit infml 口)
1 very 非常; 很
*She's a jolly good teacher. 她是个非常好的老师.
* He can cook, and he does it jolly well. 他会做饭, 并且做得特别好.
2 (idm 习语) `jolly well (used to emphasize a statement 用以强调所说的事) certainly 无疑地; 肯定地
*`Will you come back for me?' `No if you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home.' `你回来接我吗?'`不--你现在要是不走, 一定得步行回家.'

v (pt, pp jollied) (phr v) jolly sb along (infml 口) keep sb in a good/friendly mood so that he will help, work, etc 哄着某人使其帮忙、工作等
*You'll have to jolly him along a bit, but he'll do a good job. 得哄着他点儿, 他才好好干. jolly sth up make sth bright and pleasant to look at; cheer sth up 使某物看上去鲜艳夺目; 使某物有生气
*This room needs jollying up how about yellow and red wallpaper? 这间屋子需要弄得明快些--来点儿黄色和红色的壁纸怎么样?
1. We had a jolly time during the winter holidays.
