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juice为小学词汇   词频:4006


动词过去式:juiced 过去分词:juiced 现在分词:juicing 第三人称单数:juices

近义词, 同义词

fluidity  liquidity  liquidness  fluid  liquid  liquor  juice  sap    


/dʒu:s; dʒus/
1 [U, C]
(a) liquid obtained from a fruit; drink made from this 果汁; 果汁饮料
*squeeze some more juice from a lemon 从柠檬中多榨些汁
* a carton of fresh orange, pineapple, grapefruit, etc juice 一纸盒新鲜的橙汁、菠萝汁、葡萄柚汁
* One tomato juice and one soup, please. 请来一份蕃茄汁和一份汤.
(b) liquid that comes from a piece of meat when it is cooked (烹肉时出的)肉汁
*Wrapping aluminium foil round a joint allows the meat to cook in its own juice/juices. 用铝箔把肉包住使之在原汁中烹制.
2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] liquid in the stomach or another part of the body that helps sb to digest food 胃液; 消化液
*gastric/digestive juices 胃[消化]液.
3 [U] (infml 口) electric current 电流
*turn on the juice 接通电流.
4 [U] (infml 口) petrol 汽油
*We ran out of juice on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了.
5 (idm 习语) stew in one's own juice => stew.
1. Eat these foods with plentiful Vitamin C (for example, drink orange juice with cereal or put a tomato on a sandwich) to enhance the amount of iron absorbed."

2. If you stir in your own juice with no safety outlet —
    --如果你生闷气, 没有安全的发泄渠道的话--

3. The baby is sucking the juice from a segment of orange.

4. "I'll get you some juice," she offered, starting to get up.
    "我来给你拿点水果汁," 她主动说道,边说边站了起来。

5. Yes, I am.Do you have any juice?

6. Yes,I would like some hot dogs, popcorn and orange juice.

7. Yes,I would like some hot dogs, popcorn and orange juice.Have you got enough money?

8. She put some lemon juice in the salad.

9. She drank a glass of pineapple juice.

10. Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own,
