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jungle为小学词汇   词频:5494



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/'dʒʌŋgl; `dʒʌŋˇl/
1 [U, C] area of land, usu in a tropical country, that is covered with a thick growth of trees and tangled plants 丛林地带(通常指热带国家的)
*There's not much jungle
100 miles inland. 向内地100英里丛林较少.
* The new road was hacked out of the jungle. 这条新路是在丛林地带辟出的.
* the dense jungles of Africa and South America 非洲和南美洲的茂密丛林
* [attrib 作定语] jungle warfare, ie war fought in the jungle, where surprise attacks by small groups aredifficult to anticipate or avoid 丛林战.
2 [sing] confused, disordered and complicated mass of things 混乱而复杂的大量事物
*a jungle of welfare regulations 纷繁的福利条例.
3 [C] place of intense or confusing struggle 发生激烈或混乱斗争的地方
*the blackboard jungle, ie school(s) where pupils are very disruptive and hostile to theirteachers 学生不守纪律并敌视教师的学校
* the concrete jungle, ie a typical modern city with a dense mass ofugly high-rise concrete buildings and in which life is bewildering and sometimes violent 高楼林立、乌烟瘴气、时有暴力事件的现代城市.
4 (idm 习语) the law of the jungle => law.


[Date: 1700-1800; Language: Hindi;Origin: jangal 'forest', from Sanskrit jangala]
[U and C]
a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together
 the Amazon jungle
a situation in which it is difficult to become successful or get what you want, especially because a lot of people are competing with each other
 the media jungle
something that is very untidy, complicated, or confusing
jungle of
 a jungle of freeways and highways
a type of very fast dance music
concrete jungle,law of the jungleatlaw
1. Beyond the fires the jungle reverberated with noises.

2. Brazil is home to the world’s largest jungle rain forest, the Amazon.
    巴西是全世界最大的热带丛林 - 亚马逊雨林的生长地。

3. The explorers found that the local missionary was always happy to welcome them for a night, for life in the jungle was tedious for many of these men.

4. Needless to say our house is now surrounded by a jungle.

5. Humboldt walked into the jungle, alone.

6. Making their way through the jungle, the explorers could hear each night the cries of jaguars, the most dangerous and feared of the jungle predators.

7. "Should you meet a jaguar (in Spanish the word is tigre) in the jungle, just turn slowly and walk away. But slowly. Never look back, Senor Baron," he told Humboldt.

8. It was going to be another hot day in the jungle.
