

美音:[´dʒu:njə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´dʒu:njə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.年少者,晚辈,下级,(年龄、职位等)较低者,大学三年级学生 adj.年少的,下级的,后进的


junior为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2835

近义词, 同义词


lesser  lower  minor  secondary  subordinate  younger  senior    


/'dʒu:nɪə(r); `dʒunjɚ/
1 ~ (to sb) lower in rank or standing (than sb) (较某人)地位或身分低的
*a junior clerk in an office 办公室的下级职员
* He is several years junior to Mrs Cooper. 他比库珀太太小几岁.
2 Junior (abbrs 缩写 Jnr, Jr, Jun) (esp US) (used after a name to refer to a son who has the same name as his father or to the younger of two boys having the same name in a school, university, etc 父子同名时, 用于儿子姓名之後, 两学生同姓时, 用于年幼者之名後, 以示区别)
*Sammy Davies, Jnr 小萨米·戴维斯. Cf 参看 minor 2.
3 (Brit) of or intended for children from the ages of
7 to
11 (7至11岁)儿童的
*junior school 小学. Cf 参看 senior.

1 person who holds a low rank in a profession; person with an unimportant job (一职业中)地位较低者; 从事次要工作的人
*the office junior 办公室的一般职员.
2 [sing] (used with his, her, your, etc 与his、her、your等连用) person who is a specified number of years younger than sb else 比某人小若干岁
*He is three years her junior/her junior by three years. 他比她小三岁.
3 (Brit) child who goes to junior school 小学生
*The juniors' Christmas party is on Tuesday. 小学生的圣诞节联欢会于星期二举行.
4 (US) student in his third year of a four-year course at college or high school (四年制的大学或中学的)三年级学生.
5 (US infml 口) way of addressing a son in a family 家庭中称呼儿子的用语
*Come here, Junior! 到这儿来, 小儿子!


written abbreviationJr.AmEJnrBrE
used after the name of a man or boy who has the same name as his father
 John F. Kennedy, Jr.
1. Whether you're a junior school student or a young adult at college, get caught cheating and you'll pay the price — usually a very high one.

2. Naoto's immediate goal is to pass the entrance examinations for a private junior high school, a vital step for eventual admission to a prestigious (有名望的) university.

3. My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class.

4. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.

5. Rich was not only not Chinese, he was also my junior, a few years younger than I was.

6. For junior school students: a strict talk with the student and a call to the parents.
