
kangaroo court



kangaroo court为短语/超纲词汇

kangaroo court

illegal court formed by a group of prisoners, striking workers, etc to settle disputes among themselves 私设的公堂(囚犯、罢工工人等为解决内部纠纷而设的).

kangaroo court

.kangaroo 'court
an unofficial court that punishes people unfairly
1. But even when both parties have signed such an agreement, it can be impossible to enforce it in court if proper guidelines have not been followed.

2. Besides criminal history, workers' insurance claims, and civil court records, one of their core products is credit information, which isn't always accurate.

3. When will the court be in session?

4. We must accept the sovereignty of the court.

5. We can't really call a friend to say we got a parcel from our sister, or it's getting dark earlier now, or we don't trust that new Supreme Court justice.

6. These matters fall within/go beyond the cognizance of this court.

7. The general is hesitant to court-martial the man.

8. The judgement of the lower court was upheld.

9. The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.

10. The court judged him sane and responsible for his acts.
