
keep a tight rein on



keep a tight rein on为短语/超纲词汇
1. These shoes are too tight for me.

2. This dress is a trifle too tight.

3. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform.

4. You look ridiculous in those tight jeans.

5. She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans.

6. Mrs Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.
    Rumbold 太太是一位板着面孔、穿着紧身黑衣裙的肥胖女人。

7. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress.

8. I tell him to hold tight, and back and forth he goes.

9. In tight turns and recovering from dives, it can pull nine G's, or nine times the force of gravity, causing a 200-pound man to weigh nearly a ton.
