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knife为小学词汇   词频:2501


名词复数:knives 名词:knifer 动词过去式:knifed 过去分词:knifed 现在分词:knifing 第三人称单数:knifes


blade  sword    


/naɪf; naɪf/
n (pl knives / naIvz; naIvz/)
1 sharp blade with a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon 刀
*a `table-knife 餐刀
* a `carving-knife 切熟肉的刀
* a `paper-knife 裁纸刀
* He'd been stabbed four times with a kitchen knife. 有人用菜刀捅了他四刀.
2 cutting blade in a machine or tool (机器或工具的)刀.
3 (idm 习语) you could ,cut it with a `knife (infml 口) it was very obvious or heavy 很明显; 很突出; 浓重
*His accent is so thick you could cut it with a knife I can hardly understand a word he says. 他的口音很重--我简直一个字都听不懂. get one's knife into sb/have one's knife in sb try to harm sb spitefully (not usu physically) 欲加害某人(通常指非肉体的伤害). like a knife through butter easily; without meeting any resistance or difficulty 容易; 遇不到抵抗或困难
*The power saw sliced the logs like a knife through butter. 电锯轻而易举就把原木锯成薄板了.
* His strong voice cut through the hum of conversation like a knife through butter. 他那宏亮 有力的声音一下子压倒了嗡嗡的谈话声. under the `knife (dated or joc 旧或谑) having surgery 在动手术.

v [Tn, Tn.pr] cut or stab (sb) with a knife 用刀切割或刺(某人)
*The victim had been knifed (in the chest). 受害人(于胸部)中刀.


The fascine knife was a side arm / tool issued to 17th to 19th century light infantry and artillery. It served both as a personal weapon and as a tool for cutting fascines (bundles of sticks used to strengthen the sides of trenches or earth ramparts protecting the batteries).
1. Bits of broken glass, lengths of string, a key to a door long since decayed away, a rusty knife-blade, old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be, a nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail, a dried flower or two s

2. When street gangs substitute for families and schoolyard insults end in knife attacks,

3. This knife is blunt.

4. The boy was cutting a branch of a tree with his knife to make a cane.
    这个小男孩正在用一把小刀削一根树枝, 想做根手杖.

5. The knife penetrated his stomach.

6. This stone acts as a knife-sharpener.

7. They have access to knife-resistant coats and gloves.

8. He ripped the letter open with a knife.

9. A knife is an instrument which cuts.

10. And she was slicing so quickly, seemingly not paying attention to her sharp chopping knife, that I was afraid the tips of her fingers would become one of the ingredients of the purple vegetable and pork dish.
