

美音:[nɔk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[nɔk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.敲,敲打,敲击,(使)碰撞 n.敲,击,敲打


knock为中学词汇   词频:6157


动词过去式:knocked 过去分词:knocked 现在分词:knocking 第三人称单数:knocks

近义词, 同义词

rap  snap  tap  knock  ping  click  clash  crack  crackle  crash  pop  slam  bang  blast  boom  clap  clang  clack  whack  wham  explode  detonate    


bang  beat  hammer  hit  jab  pound  punch  rap  strike    


/nɒk; nɑk/
1 (sound of a) sharp blow 短促的敲或打(的声音)
*Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗?
* If you're not up by eight o'clock I'll give you a knock, ie wake you by knocking at your door. 要是八点钟你还不起床, 我就来敲你的门.
* She fell off her bike and got a nasty knock. 她从自行车上摔下来, 摔得很重.
* In football you have to get used to hard knocks. 踢足球就得经得起碰撞.
2 (in an engine) sound of knocking (knock2 2) (发动机的)爆震声
*What's that knock I can hear? 我听到发动机有爆震声是怎么回事啊?
3 (infml 口) (in cricket) innings (板球的)一局
*That was a good knock:
86 not out. 那局真漂亮, 打了86分还未出局.
4 (idm 习语) take a `knock (infml 口) suffer a financial or an emotional blow 蒙受经济或感情上的打击
*She took a bad knock when her husband died. 她丈夫一死她受到沉重的打击.

/nɒk; nɑk/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] strike (sth) with a sharp blow 敲, 打(某物)
*Mind you don't knock your head (on this low beam). 小心, 别(让这根低梁)撞着头.
2 [I, Ipr] make a noise by striking sth 敲击某物出声
*knock three times (at the door, on the window, etc) 敲三下(门、窗等). =>Usage at bang1 用法见bang1.
3 (a) [Cn.a, Cn.g] cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain state or position by striking (him/it) 将(某人[某物])击成某状态
*The fall knocked me senseless. 那一跤 得我失去了知觉.
* He knocked me flat with one punch. 他一拳把我击倒了.
* He knocked my drink flying. 他打翻了我的饮料.
(b) [Tn.pr] make (sth) by striking 敲击成某物
*knock a hole in the wall 在墙上凿个洞.
4 [I] (of a faulty petrol engine) make a tapping or thumping noise (指有故障的汽油发动机)发出爆震声.
5 [Tn] (infml 口) say critical or insulting things about (sb/sth) 批评, 数落, 非难(某人[某事物])
*The newspapers are too fond of knocking the England team. 报纸专门爱挖苦英格兰队.
* He's always knocking the way I do things. 他总是挑剔我做得不对.
6 (idm 习语) beat/knock the daylights out of sb => daylights. beat/knock hell out of sb/sth => hell. get/knock sb/sth into shape => shape1. hit/knock sb for six => hit1. knock sb's `block/`head off (sl 俚) (used esp when threatening sb 尤用于威胁某人) strike sb in anger 狠打某人
*Call me that again and I'll knock your block off! 你再那么叫我, 我就揍你! knock the bottom out of sth cause sth to collapse 使某事物垮台
*It knocked the bottom out of the coffee market, ie caused the price of coffee to fall sharply. 这一来咖啡的市场价格暴跌.
* She knocked the bottom out of our argument. 她把我们的论点驳得体无完肤. knock your/their `heads together (infml 口) force people to stop quarrelling and behave sensibly 强力使人不再争吵而恢复理智
*I often feel that politicians should have their heads knocked together, like naughty children 我时常觉得应该像教训淘气孩子那样让政治家停止争吵. knock sb/sth into a cocked `hat defeat or outclass sb/sth 挫败或超过某人[某事物]
*A true professional could knock my efforts into a cocked hat. 遇上真正行家我的工作就相形见绌了. knock it `off (sl 俚) (esp imperative 尤用于祈使句) stop a noise, an argument, etc 别吵了、别争了
*Knock it off, kids, I'm trying to sleep! 孩子们, 别闹了, 我要睡觉了! knock sb off his `pedestal/perch (infml 口) defeat sb; show that sb is no longer best at sth 击败某人; 显示某人不再首屈一指. knock sb `sideways (infml 口) defeat sb; astonish sb 击败某人; 使某人惊讶. knock `spots off sb/sth (infml 口) be much better than sb/sth 远胜于某人[某事物]
*In learning foreign languages, the girls knock spots off the boys every time. 学习外语女孩总是比男孩强. knock the stuffing out of sb (infml 口) make sb feeble, weak or demoralized 使某人衰弱或泄气
*His failure in the exam has knocked all the stuffing out of him. 他考试未及格便一蹶不振. knock them in the `aisles (infml 口) (of a theatre performance, etc) be very successful with the audience (指戏剧演出等)大受观众欢迎. you could have knocked me down with a `feather (infml 口) (used esp as an exclamation 尤用作感叹语) I was amazed 我很惊奇.
7 (phr v) knock about (...) (infml 口) lead an unsettled life, travelling and living in various places 漫游; 流浪
*spend a few years knocking about (in) Europe 在欧洲各地游历了几年. knock about with sb/together (infml 口) be often in sb's/each other's company 经常和某人作伴[互相在一起]. knock sb/sth about (infml 口) hit sb/sth repeatedly; treat sb/sth roughly 反覆打击或粗暴对待某人[某事物]
*She gets knocked about by her husband. 她常受丈夫虐待.
* The car's been knocked about a bit, but it still goes. 汽车虽然受到多次碰撞, 但仍能开.
1. There was a knock at the window.

2. He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

3. Did I hear a knock at the door?

4. An illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave.

5. At any moment he expected to hear the creature, feel it knock him to the ground, smell its breath — meet death.

6. Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door.

7. (There is a knock at the door.)

8. One evening little Hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door.

9. I´ll knock again, Helen.
