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n.灯 vt.照亮


lamp为小学词汇   词频:3730


/læmp; læmp/
1 device for giving light, either by the use of electricity or (esp formerly) by burning gas or oil 电灯; (尤指旧时的)煤气灯, 油灯
*a street, table, bicycle lamp 街灯、台灯、自行车车灯.
2 electrical device producing radiation (for medical, etc purposes) 发出热射线的电器装置(供医疗等用者)
*an infra-red/ultraviolet lamp 红外线[紫外线]灯.



[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: lampe, from Latin lampas, from Greek, from lampein 'to shine']
an object that produces light by using electricity, oil, or gas
table/desk/bedside lamp
oil/electric/fluorescent lamp
fog lamp, headlamp, hurricane lamp, safety lamp, standard lamp
a piece of electrical equipment used to provide a special kind of heat, especially as a medical treatment
infrared/ultraviolet lamp
sunlamp, blowlamp
1. There is a fluorescent lamp hanging in the room.

2. The pearls are lustrous under the lamp.

3. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.

4. She switched on the lamp because it was dark.

5. Lamp shades are translucent but not transparent.

6. Lamp shades are translucent but not transparent.

7. I extinguished the lamp before I left the room.

8. I drove it into a lamp-post.
