

美音:[li:p ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[li:p ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.跳,跳越,跳跃 n.跳跃,飞跃


leap为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3402


名词:leaper 动词过去式:leaped/leapt 过去分词:leaped/leapt 现在分词:leaping 第三人称单数:leaps

近义词, 同义词

leap  jump  hop  spring  bound  vault  caper  skip leap  jump  hop  spring  bound  vault  ramp  caper  trip  skip  dance  buck  bob  bounce    


bound  dive  hop  hurdle  jump  plunge  pounce  spring  vault    


/li:p; lip/
v (pt, pp leapt / lept; lZpt/ or leaped /li:pt; lipt/) =>Usage at dream2 用法见dream2.
1 [I, Ipr, Ip] jump vigorously 跳; 跳跃
*The cat leapt from the chair. 猫从椅子上跳开了.
* (fig 比喻) My heart leapt for joy at the news. 我听到这个消息心情万分激动.
* A frog leapt out. 一只青蛙一跃而出.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip] move quickly in the specified direction; rush 迅速向某方向运动; 冲; 窜
*leap to the telephone, into one's car, upstairs 冲过去抓电话、一头钻进汽车里、冲上楼去
* (fig 比喻) They leapt to stardom with their first record. 他们录制了第一张唱片, 一跃而入明星行列.
3 (a) [Tn] jump over (an obstacle) 跳过(障碍)
*leap a gate, puddle, ditch, etc 跳过大门、水洼、壕沟等.
(b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth over sth cause (a horse, etc) to jump over (an obstacle) 使(马等)跃过(障碍)
*leap a horse over a fence 策马跃过篱笆. =>Usage at jump2 用法见jump2.
4 (idm 习语) jump/leap to con`clusions => conclusion. ,look before you `leap (saying 谚) consider the possible consequences before taking action 慎思而後行.
5 (phr v) leap at sth accept sth eagerly, without hesitation 迫不及待地接受某事物
*She leapt at the chance to go to America. 她立刻抓住时机赴美.
* leap at an opportunity, offer, invitation, etc 立刻抓住机会、接受提议、接受邀请等.

1 vigorous jump 跳; 跳跃
*He crossed the garden in three leaps. 他跳三步就跨过了花园.
2 (fig 比喻) rapid increase or change 激增; 骤变
*a leap in prices, oil production, the number of people out of work 价格、石油产量、失业人数激增.
3 (idm 习语) by/in ,leaps and `bounds very rapidly 非常迅速
*Her health is improving by leaps and bounds. 她的健康迅速好转. a leap/shot in the dark => dark1. leaping adj [attrib 作定语] moving up and down quickly and irregularly 跃动的; 跳跃的
*leaping waves, flames, etc 翻腾的波浪、跳动的火焰.
1. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me.

2. There were now seven 31-day months in a year, but February was left with 28 days except in leap years.

3. The error was 44 minutes and 56 seconds for each leap year, or 11 minutes and 14 seconds for each single year.

4. Thus the year A.D. 2000 will be a leap year, but the year 2100 will not, nor was 1900.

5. He also asked him to work out a better rule for leap years to prevent the piling up of error in future.

6. Again, even if it can be divided by 100, it remains a leap year if it can be divided by 400.

7. All these developing regions see advanced communications as a way to leap over whole stages of economic development.

8. Caesar´s plan of leap years was followed for about 1600 years.

9. "Look before you leap" is a maxim.

10. Our hearts gave a leap, for we knew that in a few minutes we would be with our friends at Anzhuang again.
