

美音:[left ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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adj.左边的,左倾的,左侧的,左派的,左翼的 adv.在左面 n.左,左边,左派 vbl.leave的过去式和过去分词


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pt, pp of leave.

/left; lɛft/
adj, adv
1 of, on or towards the side of the body which is towards the west when a person faces north 在左边(的); 在左侧(的); 在左面(的); 向左方(的)
*Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right. 用左手写字的人比用右手的少.
* Turn left here. 由此往左.
* [attrib 作定语] (sport 体) left half, back, wing(er), etc 左前锋、左後卫、左翼(队员)等. Cf 参看 right5.
2 (idm 习语) about/left/right face =>face2. about/left/right turn => turn1. eyes right/left/front => eye1. have two left `feet (infml 口) be very clumsy 非常笨拙. ,left, right and `centre (infml 口) everywhere 处处
*I've been looking for it left, right and centre where did you find it? 我前後左右都找遍了--你是在哪儿找到的呢? right and left => right5.

1 [U] left side or region 左边; 左侧; 左部
*In Britain cars are driven on the left. 在英国汽车靠左侧行驶.
* She was sitting immediately to my left. 她挨着我坐在我的左边.
2 [C] (in boxing and fist-fighting) (blow given with the) left hand (拳击中)左手, 左手拳
*He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left. 他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒.
3 the Left [Gp] (politics 政)
(a) the left wing of a party or other group (党团的)左翼.
(b) supporters of socialism in general (泛指)社会主义拥护者
*a history of the Left in Europe/of the European Left 欧洲左翼政党史.
1. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit.

2. Every time a packet left her hands, the hateful yellow face of the officer who had taken her son away flared up in her mind.

3. But it was left to scientists of our own time to develop powerful killers of these hateful micro-organisms.

4. By the time we've reached Vancouver, there are very few people left on the train.

5. But dependent children can't just be left behind when it's time to move on to a new relationship:

6. For the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere.

7. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road .

8. When she left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her.
    临走的时候, 阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽.

9. We are standing on the left.

10. Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo´s telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse´s great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder?
