

美音:[ləuf ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ləuf ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.一条面包,块,游荡 v.游荡,虚度光阴




名词复数:loaves 动词过去式:loafed 过去分词:loafed 现在分词:loafing 第三人称单数:loafs

近义词, 同义词

be inactive  dawdle  lag  hang back  slouch  loll  lounge  loaf  loiter  kill time    


idle  lie-around  loiter  lounge    


/ləʊf; lof/
n (pl loaves / lEUvz; lovz/)
1 mass of bread shaped and baked in one piece 大面包
*Two brown loaves and one large white one, please. 请拿两个黑面包和一个大的白面包.
2 (idm 习语) half a loaf is better than none/than no bread (saying 谚) having to accept less than one expects, or feels that one deserves, is better than having nothing 接受半块面包总比没有好; 聊胜于无. use one's loaf => use1.

/ləʊf; lof/
v [I, Ipr, Ip] (infml 口) spend time idly 虚度光阴
*Don't stand there loafing there's work to be done. 别站在那儿呆着--有事要干呢.
* loaf around (the house all day) (成天在家)闲混.
1. Will this loaf of bread last until tomorrow?

2. They are taught to vote for the one who "gives you a half-kilo sack of flour, 200 grams of salt, or a loaf of bread" during the campaign, said the activist.

3. A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap.
    一块干酪. 一只面包.一块肥皂.

4. A loaf of bread.

5. Mary: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap.
    玛丽: 一块干酪. 一只面包.一块肥皂.
